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A sobering view of life


"Just in case"
Premium Member
I found this online and decided to write my own version.

So, view the attached graph. It represents 1 year. 12 rows, 31 columns = roughly one year.

In this view, a year does not seem like all that much. How does this effect us?

Well, how many of these grids do you have left? How will you make use them? Should statistics prevail, I have 60ish or so left.

What this reminds me most of are those paper chains we used to make in elementary school, when you glued 180ish rings of paper together at the beginning of the year to represent the days left, taking one off every day. At the beginning, it seemed soooo long. At the end, it really wasn't that bad of a wait until the next summer.

The irony comes from the fact that back then, I was excited to see the unfolding of the rings and how few days there were left until summer. Now, however, I feel somewhat uneasy about my final "summer vacation" to that "undiscovered country." 60 seems like a lot now, but what if it's cut short? Even if it's not, how will I few all the cut rings when I look back?

The thoughts that run through my head while contemplating this incite complicated reactions, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. It at the very minimum makes me want to take advantage of every single ring.

Anyone have any thoughts?


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Premium Member
Excellent post. I went to a friends EA and he kept asking me later what all I was in - I told him AND I told him to take is slower than I did. He asked why I went so fast and I said because I have already passed more days than I have.

Mortality of the body - sure makes the soul part important.

Thanks for this post