Hey Bill. Well, I obtained my professional photography certification in 1992. I did it on my own for a living for a while as well as freelance writing, but my photography became "boring" to me. I'm much more inclined to the more artistic facets of it, and you don't really make money with that in areas like this.
I've actually been thinking about the Wharton Lodge. It's not horribly far out from where I'll be living, and I know several of you there already. I'm seriously considering changing membership to there, but we'll see. I do want to visit a couple of Houston lodges first. But something else I really like about Wharton is that you guys seem to be really active and focus on "fellowship" quite a bit.
And hey, you ARE the one who conducted the degree to raise me to a Master Mason after all.
Bay City will always be home for me, but I do want to move my membership after moving to Houston so that I can remain active and continue Masonic education.