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We interview R.W. Dave McHam this week to discuss opportunities for vendors at the pop-up shop that will be close to Grand Lodge for our upcoming annual session.
We also look at some examples of how Freemasons used to be the leaders in our communities and why we should consider revisiting the...
So I recently had the honor of being interviewed by the brothers of the Fort Worth Masonic Lodge podcast!
Give it a listen!
#masonicimprovement #freemasonry #masonic
I've been having this issue almost daily. I try coming to the website and get redirected to various questionable sites. It's hit or miss though, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, it doesn't matter if I try using my computer or another device either.
I was under the impression that the readings had to come from the program?
I'll be honest, I love Masonic education but I've quickly learned to dread these readings as much as I dread Grand Communications.
I know I've already left my opinion on this thread but I feel this blog post is relevant to the topic:
Well, the fraternity is going to change but it's still in the air if the changes will be brought on by our actions or inactions.
As a fraternity we need to come to terms with this. Lodge demographics are changing and this will result in changes over time. I don't think this has to be a bad...
I just went through this process myself. Contact your secretary for your home lodge about it, he should be able to mail you what you need.
Best of luck!
I'm under the impression that trying to shoehorn a new MM into an officer's chair or committee before they are ready or interested does more harm than good...and usually results in the brother becoming inactive. Trying to recruit him into every appendant body he's qualified to join has the same...
Hey! I just moved 30 min away from Waco, don't go talking them into moving further away again. :P
It was my understanding from GL that Baylor may be interested in using the facilities for their orchestra.
That's it in a nutshell. The majority seem to want to keep the building but nobody wants to pay for it. 3/4 of the room stood up and voted to find a way to keep the building but about 1/4 actually voted in favor of paying for it.
I appreciate it's historic value but it sounds like the place...
Thanks again for this. :)
From what I've read, I think it's a step in the right direction. When a huge percentage of brethren seem to think that masonic education begins and ends with the catechism it was probably a wise idea to provide some pre-made education programs..even if most of them...
This is the decision I disagree with the most. I feel this is, or close to, being a violation of our obligations and the whole approach feels sketchy to me. I was pretty saddened by the atmosphere in the room towards anyone who objected to it.
That's good to know. Doesn't the entire Commandry need to adopt one uniform or the other? I'm just asking for clarification as it seems that uniforms would have to be...well, uniform.
I don't suppose I've attended since any changes to the drill have taken place. I live closer to a more...