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I think this is a great thing to note. I remember this site when there were about 10 members and we tried to give this site to the GLoTX only to have them reject us time and time again. Then we saw a huge opportunity to make this open to everyone and not just members of the GLoTX. Brother Blake...
As always, if a member of our forum feels that something violates any rules, laws, etc. please use the little triangle in the bottom of the post or contact us at the top menu. This alerts the staff of the post and we can get it resolved quickly.
With that being said, I have personally spoke...
I am playing in a NFL league this season and I do like ESPN as well. One thing we should look at is app ease of use as well. So far I personally love yahoo's iPad app.
Sleep well ladies cause poppa comes home tomorrow. To bad there can only be one winner! And I have already spoken for that spot!!
If you ain't first, you're last!
I'm in if y'all will let me play this year. I know it took like 9 weeks before I lost a game. Then just so y'all didn't get mad I threw a couple and settled for 3rd.
There is actually a "rules of order" book that the GLoTX sells out of the Grand Secretary's office. It shows you to stand, wait to be addressed by the WM then address the Lodge as Blake pointed out and always direct your words to the WM and never to a person in the Lodge. And the WM should only...
Warning: This is not for political right or wrong talk but actual discussion on the Affordable Healthcare Act. Any non-topic discussion will be removed. Lets educate ourselves and play nice.
Ok so I am actually reading this Affordable Healthcare Act in PDF, more specifically Section 9001...
Brother Bernard Brown was called home to be with his Lord in heaven yesterday. He was a Past Master of Pride of The South Lodge under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F&AM.
Brother Brown was one of the first faces I saw when I was introduced to Prince Hall Masonry and I will...
Perhaps someone may want to look at the possibility of a resolution that would allow a member on a fixed income (SSN, retired, out of work) to pay the minimum GL amount and the rest of the members pay a different amount such as the $200. I know for the Lodges I was a member we would pay dues for...
If you click on and look on the right hand side you will see amounts and a "Donate Now" button. Choose your amount or you can click "Other" and choose a different amount than the ones they have listed. If you like to mail a check you can PM me and I...
I am asking for help for such a good cause, March for Babies. This is a great organization that does amazing things. Please take a minute (or 4 min. and 41 sec.) and watch how this organization has personally helped Christi, my wife, and I. We have been incredibly blessed to have Peighton and...
I am not saying this is the case but I have had a DDGM tell us one thing, the Grand Secretary tell us another, and then when we did it a call from the Grand Master telling us a totally different thing. I would request it in writing which ever way you go to eliminate you of any wrong doing. If...
I know several people that have been blackballed because of personal reasons between the "Brethren" (I use the term loosely) so don't think this may be a reflection on you. If you don't know of any reason why it may of happened then you just wait your time. I am reminded of a story of a man that...
I have not heard of this. This would be a violation of the article Bro. Bill referenced above and not allowed even if it is a wink wink deal this per the GL law. Now if a few people want to just raise that standard without saying you can't progress without it it may be fine but that is going to...