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  1. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    Aaahhh. Very telling. So, it is subjective then. We follow the Lodge of the area that we are visiting. Got it! Thanks.
  2. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    What about if your own Grand Lodge changes the rules? Doe that give you a pass on the part of our Obligation that was changed? In our own home Lodge?
  3. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    The question still remains. If a Grand Lodge changes portions of our Obligation, do we stick to our original Obligation or get a pass on the parts of it that have changed? Further, does our Obligation change when visiting a Lodge in a different jurisdiction with different rules?
  4. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I am saying that the Obligation is dictated by the Grand Lodge. If the rules change, outdating our Obligation, are we not REQUIRED to change with the Governing body that presented us with that initial Obligation to begin with? There has to be someone on this communication that knows the answer...
  5. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    So, if in ten years women are able to sit in Lodge meetings with men based on the State's Grand Lodge, are we supposed to get up and leave because of an Obligation that we may have taken 25 years ago? I think not. I stand by my comment. We follow what the Grand Lodge of our Jurisdiction...
  6. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I would think that the Grand Lodge dictates our behavior. For example, in the South, UGLE Chartered Masons are prohibited from having Masonic communication with Prince Hall Lodges. In the rest of the USA, it is accepted and encouraged. So even though I took my obligation in Florida, if I now...
  7. Brother JStoffo

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I sit in on Masonic Philosophical Society online discussions hosted by Universal Co Masonry. There are more women in attendance than men and the organization does allow both genders. That must limit certain clothing requirements of the initiation Rituals.
  8. Brother JStoffo

    Lodge Room Etiqutte

    Bro Doug where can I find these short talk bulletins?
  9. Brother JStoffo

    Lodge Room Etiqutte

    Brother Winter, I am definitely purchasing that Masonic Etiquette book. Thanks.
  10. Brother JStoffo

    Lodge Room Etiqutte

    Brothers, specifically I wanted to stand and make a motion to introduce the concept of having a 2-3 minute Masonic Education presentation at each meeting. Just a quick really cool bit of information that most Masons may not know but would be enlightening to any Mason. I also don't want to be...
  11. Brother JStoffo

    Lodge Room Etiqutte

    Hello Brothers, I just moved from Florda to Oregon and was accepted into a local Lodge outside of Portland. Do regulations vary from state to state regarding in Lodge etiquette? For example, in Florida, I could stand and be recognized during a meeting at my own Lodge but not at other Lodges...
  12. Brother JStoffo

    Florida Withdraws Amity With Eleven Foreign Grand Lodges

    Jeez! What happened? That's a lot of Latin Lodges.
  13. Brother JStoffo

    Vatican Reaffirms Ban On Masonic Membership: Catholic Masons Shrug

    Any chance that this is a throwback to Freemason's potential connection with the Knights of the Temple of Solomon? If the Knights have spent every year since 1307 getting back at the Catholic Church, it makes sense that the Church will continue to go after the descendants of the Fraternal...
  14. Brother JStoffo

    Fear of initiation

    Just do it. You'll live. I would love to hear that you finally get to open that box. It's worth it.
  15. Brother JStoffo

    Why Gen-Z Probably Isn't Interested in Freemasonry and Why We Need To Care

    Are there any other Masons not discouraged enough to comment? This site is supposed to encourage free thought, not stifle it. Is our situation in the USA noticeable elsewhere in the world? I know that here in the USA, our TV news and social media have brainwashed most into thinking that young...
  16. Brother JStoffo

    Why Gen-Z Probably Isn't Interested in Freemasonry and Why We Need To Care

    This is an interesting article. When I read it on the Midnight Freemasons site, it got me thinking about the mental state of young men now and where their mental state will be in ten years from now. I can only speak for how young men are treated in the USA and do not know that this is the case...
  17. Brother JStoffo

    Why is the north a place of darkness?

    We were in the Lodge building but not the Lodge Room. The area where we have a meal before the meeting. Being an old navy guy, I call it the chow hall. I'm sure that there is a more Masonic word. Not the Ante room either. In Florida, we are not allowed to have liquor in the Lodge at all...
  18. Brother JStoffo

    Why is the north a place of darkness?

    Well, I just left a Lodge meeting in a suburb of Portland Oregon. Most of the Brethren sat in the North and some in the South. The Treasurer, Chaplin and Senior Deacon were in the North on the East side. Interesting. A great touch was that after the stated meeting, all of us had our beverage...
  19. Brother JStoffo

    Why is the north a place of darkness?

    Our entrance doors in the USA are generally in the South West and the ante room is in the North West.
  20. Brother JStoffo

    Why is the north a place of darkness?

    We have seats in the North but they are rarely occupied. Unless we have a large gathering or a Memorial of some sort. In that case, we place the family there. Most Lodges in the Florida Keys have seats in the North and most of the time they are empty.