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Search results

  1. MarkR

    Northeast Corner

    Welcome, Brother Charles!
  2. MarkR

    Greetings From California

    Welcome to the group, Brother Blair!
  3. MarkR

    From South Africa

    To you as well my brother, and I hope your mission is going well.
  4. MarkR

    Find my Grandfather and Fathers Freemason Membership.

    Contact the Grand Lodge of Florida for information about your dad. The Grand Secretary in most states is quite helpful in that regard. If you know what state your grandfather was a Mason in, look for that web site. Were your Rainbow and your mother's...
  5. MarkR

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    I would tend to think that any foreign jurisdiction that has practices or rules that violate your obligation, that jurisdiction is unlikely to be recognized by yours. Unrecognized, therefor visitation not allowed. End of quandary.
  6. MarkR

    New, looking forward to fellowshipping with the brothers

    I'm not understanding what it is you're asking from us. Freemasonry is banned in Egypt. You're in Egypt. Therefore, there is no Freemasonry for you to join. Unless you move from Egypt to a country where Freemasonry is permitted, there's nothing we can do to help you.
  7. MarkR

    Fraternal greetings from Sweden

    Welcome brother! After all that effort, you may find the activity level to be a bit low on here.
  8. MarkR

    Hi idont no how starting

    Yeah, here is a paid subscription service.
  9. MarkR

    Hi idont no how starting

    The only sites like that here require you to pay for a subscription to get your results. Some used to be free, but no longer.
  10. MarkR

    Hi idont no how starting

    I don't know about where you are, but here there are so few people who still have a landline phone that the phone company stopped distributing directories years ago.
  11. MarkR

    Lodge Room Etiqutte

    I'd approach the WM informally to gauge his support. I would think any decent WM would be on board with it, and would simply add that item to the meeting agenda. Personally, I think every lodge should be doing an education piece in every stated meeting.
  12. MarkR


    Most Grand Lodge web sites have a "contact us" page, but otherwise yes, the Grand Secretary.
  13. MarkR


    It would help if you told us where you are. Your best bet would be to contact the Grand Lodge of the jurisdiction in which you reside. They'll be able to tell you what is necessary to get reinstated, and steer you to a lodge.
  14. MarkR

    Joining with a Criminal Record

    I sincerely wish you good luck in rehabilitating your life.
  15. MarkR

    Joining with a Criminal Record

    While there are some jurisdictions in which a prior felony is not automatically disqualifying, leaving the final decision to the individual lodges, I'm fairly comfortable in saying that they would want, at a minimum, quite a few years to have elapsed before you'd even be considered. Even then...
  16. MarkR


    Most likely only when there is a meeting of one of the Masonic bodies that meet there.
  17. MarkR

    Recent MM Degree in Texas

    Minnesota also doesn't give a dues card until MM.
  18. MarkR

    Male and Female Grand Lodges Counter Misinformation With New 'Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales'

    Unless your obligation (not oath) is substantially different than mine, acknowledging that women Freemasons exist is not a violation. I can't sit in lodge with a woman Freemason, and I can't participate in making a woman a mason, nor can I discuss anything considered "secret" by my Grand Lodge...
  19. MarkR

    Recent MM Degree in Texas

    Welcome to the craft, from Minnesota. Tell us what lodge you were raised in.
  20. MarkR

    I'm Back

    Welcome back. It's pretty quiet these days.