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  1. T

    Not Attending Lodge

    Going to those stuffy ol' business meetings is where I find the greatest joy because that's when you get the most brothers together in one room. :)
  2. T

    Clarification on background checks....

    A few months ago, there was an edict from the GLoTX prohibiting police officers from using TCIC/NCIC to check Masonic applicants. There has been some confusion that I thought I would try to clear up. 1. It is a violation of TCIC/NCIC rules for me to run people for things such as the Masonic...
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    What Is The Point of Masonry?

    If a brother is having hard times, he knows his brothers will be there to assist him, thus "relief".
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    Oh. That's not that big of a deal. I wouldn't sweat it.
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    What did I miss?
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    "Unjustly Accused," The Derek Gordon Story

    It could be something as simple as the GL found his Ebay account using his email account and found that he'd purchased a cipher online.
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    "Unjustly Accused," The Derek Gordon Story

    jbolt, I'm afraid I don't see that happening in this case. One of the two is in the wrong. Horribly wrong.
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    Iam in need of a Job any openings

    Look for a detention officer position. The job is EASY and the pay is great!
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    Masonic Temples

    Dadgum, our northern brethren sure have some nice digs!
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    Elitism & Freemasonry

    Thanks, Brother Ron!
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    Elitism & Freemasonry

    I feel rather elite for going through the three steps of light, further light and more light.
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    WV GL withdraws recognition of OH GL

    I'm a born and raised Virginian, actually spending the last several years of my life on the WV border, so I can safely say this.............WV is a whole different world. They do things quite differently than the rest of the nation. This story doesn't shock me at all.
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    "New Masons"

    Wow, very good points made.
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    John Wayne

    Cool, he actually worked within the lodge. That's pretty awesome, given his celebrity status.
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    John Wayne

    Coolness. I wonder if he had the time to go back and do any of the memory work.
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    John Wayne

    Was it honorary? Two days from EA to MM?
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    Dan Brown's 'Lost Symbol' moves forward

    I didn't like the book. The plot was far too transparent, even though he tried at every turn to throw new twists in there. At the end of that book I felt like I had been mugged and left for dead in a dark alley. I expected so much more of the ending.
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    Arkansas masonic liscense plates

    Regardless of the true motiviation, it looks bad on the GLoA. People perceive it to be one of two things.....either racially or financially based and perception is the reality.
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    I'm evil for teaching my child to be a mass murderer....

    Oh, and btw, the Sig 522 is a TON of fun to shoot! Accurate little bugger!