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  1. K

    Masonic symbols..

    Hellow members.. Can anyone help me with explanation of what square, compass and letter G represent or what they mean in freemansory.. Thanks for reading
  2. K


    Greaty to have you and your experience in the online.. welkom Jeff..
  3. K

    Help me out with this members..

    Anhaa now i can understand.. Thanks for explanation mike, crono & mrichard.
  4. K

    Help me out with this members..

    Greet you all.. I have come across these words while i was reading differents members conversation.. To be initiated and To be raised.. Do these words have same meaning... I dont understand well what they mean when i read these words in the conversations brought up by the members... Am askin...
  5. K

    What is Scottish Rite?

    Ohhh thanks for this explanation dfrey..
  6. K

    Solomon temple

    Thanks in advance Mike.
  7. K

    Solomon temple

    Thanks im advance Mike.
  8. K

    Solomon temple

    Am sorry about salutation. I did not know the meaning behind... Though a was using it as i felt comfortable always calling different people i respect this way... Thanks for the explanation in advance mr. mike.
  9. K

    New guy from BA, OK!

    Good of you brother...
  10. K


    Welkom aboard brother. Hopefully the community will learn something out of you too..
  11. K

    Journey has begun

    Thats amazing.. Havin family members in a craft back then..
  12. K

    Almost there...

    Salute bro... Wish you the best in the journey bro shawn C.
  13. K

    Hello Brothers

    Welkom to the community brother...
  14. K

    Greetings brothers.

    Hellow to all.. Wanna pass my greetings to you brothers and a word of thanks to all who have shared with the commumity differents experiences in life.. May God blass you... Hav a wonderful sunday over there..
  15. K

    Solomon temple

    Thanks brothers.. About masonic allegory wat is this means bro mike
  16. K

    Solomon temple

    Greet you brothers... i havr hard alot of these gossips linking King Solomon temple and masonic work... Can someone tell me what link does it have with the craft. Thanx.
  17. K

    What is Scottish Rite?

    Brothers thanks for explanations.... Appriciate all of you bro'z.
  18. K

    What is Scottish Rite?

    Oh now thats quite a new neaning to me... Al be in touch waitin for the sites.. Thanx.