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Canada to NY to DC

widows son

Premium Member
My friend and I are planning a road trip to DC. But I'd like to ask a few questions:

1. He is a non mason, but enjoys the history, and I plan on visiting the house of the temple and other Masonic landmarks, can he come along and visit too?

2. We're planning on making a pit stop in NY, what are some good Masonic landmarks to visit there? I know there's a plethora in DC

3. We plan on visiting in June, and I hope to sit in at least one lodge meeting. I know he cant. Any brethren in the NYC and DC area where we can meet?


Registered User
For lodges in NY I'd suggest to visit either St. john's Lodge no 1 or Independent Royal Arch Lodge no 2. "Old number 2" is supposed to be an especially good experience as far as I hear.


Premium Member
In NYC, you need to stop at the Grand Lodge Building and take the tour. There is also the George Washington Memorial in Tappan/Woodgate (near Utica) depending on which part of Canada you are coming from. In DC you must stop at the George Washington Masonic Memorial in nearby Va. I visited there this past August and it was terrific. However, being the only Mason on the tour, I was inundated with questions from many of the profane who were on the tour. I do have to return because we were on the last tour of the day and missed seeing some of the artifacts because of answering questions.