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Keeping Brethren Interested


I have noticed that often lodges are able to get quite a few new members initiated, but over the next few months or first year their participation wanes and they end up leaving the craft. I have discussed this topic with quite a few brethren in some detail and I'm going to weigh in on what I believe are some mistakes we might be making and offer my suggestions.

As a freemason we afford each other a certain implicit trust and friendship knowing that we are all good men who are striving for the same purpose. Being a brother is more than just showing up to meetings or shaking a few hands it's about genuinely taking an interest in your brethren and opening up your life experiences and feelings to each other. True friends are always there for each other, they share their passions, desires, aspirations and pain knowing you will always be their to support them. Recite to yourself the 5 PoF and you will understand how important and ingrained this should be.

Participation in Lodge
One thing that really appealed to me at my mother lodge was how the worshipful master encouraged all brethren to participate in the ritual work. We would break up some of the longer lectures, or feed out some small bits such as the lesser lights to brethren that we not in the chairs. This really helped to encourage me personally to be active in lodge, in practice sessions and to feel like I have contributed; it became "my" lodge, not just a lodge that I had joined.

Outside of the Lodge
I have lived in small towns and big cities and one thing which I have noticed is the level of interaction with brethren outside of lodge is drastically different. Small town masonry, like small towns seems to be more of a tight knit group. It wouldn't be uncommon to pop in at a brothers business and chat, to meet for coffee, or share a beer or two (perhaps in a certain brothers' wood working shop). But these niceties are rare indeed for big city masonry. I believe that openness and welcoming nature of small town masonry is a wonderful thing and I hope that we can have more social functions, informal meetings and friendly greetings even in the big city environment.

Education and Development
We regularly profess to new applicants that we are a society of men who use allegorical and metaphorical stories to pass on great truths, that when studied and put in to action will help us on our eastward journey. But I ask you honestly, do you feel that you have learned our rituals, have you studied our texts; could you do more than merely repeat some ancient scripture verbatim? Many men join for the allure of learning about these lessons and truisms, but how can we teach them if we ourselves are only superficially aware of their meaning? I have heard from numerous brethren and demitted brethren that they thought and hoped they would learn from freemasonry which they haven't been taught elsewhere, but they were sadly mistaken when time and again their peers did not support, encourage and nurture their interests.

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of freemasonry is visitation. Being welcomed to a lodge is a wonderful experience, but for the new freemason visiting a strange lodge and not knowing any brethren could be a very daunting idea. Often new brethren will visit lodges that reside in the same building as their mother lodge, but many will not drive to another city or town to visit a totally unfamiliar lodge without support. I suggest that if you are going to visit a lodge that you offer to take the new brother, pick him up from home, or meet him there. This will help to foster that friendship in your own lodge, as well as introduce him to process of visitation and how wonderful an experience it can be.

These are a few topics that I believe could use some improvement in our lodges and I submit them to you for your discussion, consideration and comment.

Source: Bro. Ken .H. Dennis


Site Benefactor
While I appreciate and have participated in events to keep the brethren interested, the need for such efforts seems to suggest that all is not well.

How is it that the brethren need the addition of interesting events? Should not Masonry, of its own nature, provide some deeper nourishment than interesting events?

Because if all you do is pay bills and read minutes and memos from GL no one will show up, but if you have a dinner before hand, and a good presentation...the one we are having tonight is being given by a PM that used to be a Bendictine Monk titled "Satanism and Freemasonry?" and Ill tell ya what Im more excited for this meeting then I Have been in awhile. Also we have about 20 Brothers coming from 3 other lodges tonight.

yes Brother Freemasonry is a journey and we shouldn't need any out side "events" but paying bills and readoing minutes isn't freemasonry. Having a fun Fundraiser like we had a few weeks ago,manning our parking lot for a community event, allows memebers to chit chat and get to know each other on a more personal level, same with a BBQ or "widows" night. I always thought that the term "Widows" in Freemasonry was in reference to spouses who had lost their husband, but oh no it refers to all spouses as they are all masonic widows.....think on that for a minute.......

jermy Bell

Registered User
I have witnessed at the end of the 3rd degree, many times during refreshments that there have been shriners recruiting. Now, don't get me wrong, they do the children's hospitals, circuses, parades, and love to party. But, I believe that you should learn the blue lodge before just using it as a stepping stone and never coming back. I have seen a least 9 brothers raised and jump to shriners, and not step foot in lodge again.


Registered User
Must be an American thing!
Could you enlighten me please
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