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Marine Corps Freemasons

Jay Welch

Registered User
Celer Silens Mortalis. I haven't heard that reference in quite some time. Made me smile. I was telling my cousin about my paddle party just the other day. Fond memories , some times I wish I could go back. then I remember going up and down Fire Base Jones carrying buckets of sea water! Glad to be a civilian! I do really miss my Recon brothers, however. I paid one of those men a surprise visit at his home, not even sure if he would recall me. There was a picture of he and I on his fire place mantel. It was awesome. I learned during that visit that he's an EA. Super cool I thought.

Willaim Perkins

Registered User
Celer Silens Mortalis. I haven't heard that reference in quite some time. Made me smile. I was telling my cousin about my paddle party just the other day. Fond memories , some times I wish I could go back. then I remember going up and down Fire Base Jones carrying buckets of sea water! Glad to be a civilian! I do really miss my Recon brothers, however. I paid one of those men a surprise visit at his home, not even sure if he would recall me. There was a picture of he and I on his fire place mantel. It was awesome. I learned during that visit that he's an EA. Super cool I thought.
Shows that you just never know

William Herzig

Premium Member
Any other brothers out there Marine Corps veterans and also Freemasons? Semper Fi!

Long time ago, Sgt. U.S. Naval Correctional Center, San Diego, CA the Marine Security Detachment, NAS Marimar. I was also a NCIS Agent for 23 years working with USMC and USN
Freemason Connect HD

Jay Thompson

Registered User
Semper Fi, Brother!

I served with 2nd Tracs at good ol’ Outhouse Bay, Camp Lagoon.
