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New Dan Brown Novel

widows son

Premium Member
Some more hype is building around Dan Brown and his new novel : Inferno, which is set in Italy and focuses in on Dante's Inferno. I'm sure as always there will be a little caption at the front of his book saying "everything in this book is true etc..."


Premium Member
I actually found his books to be decently enjoyable as fiction reads, and I just picked up a nice copy of the Divine Comedy from B&N last week (unrelated to this announcement). I, along with many others I'm sure, never got around to reading Purgatory and Paradise. They never seem to get the same marketing limelight as a book about Hell for some reason. ;)

(600 year late Spoiler Alert!)

Was anyone else disappointed by the end of Inferno? I was expecting a great and powerful Prince of Lies that might tempt or threaten Dante. Instead, he was just a large appliance that had to be climbed over.


I picked up the Da Vinci Code years ago when it was a big deal but I found I couldn't ever get into it. Dan Brown may present some fun ideas in his books but something about his writing style failed to peak my interest.

Now that I think about it, I must have started the book after I saw the movie. Maybe I couldn't get into it because I kept picturing the main character with Tom Hank's goofy looking haircut. :scared:
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Premium Member
Da Vinci code was mediocre. I liked it, but wouldn't give it a re-read. Angels and Demons warranted a second read, but only one. The Lost Symbol I really liked, probably because by the time I read it, I had already petitioned my local lodge and so the interest was mutual, hah. I feel like his books are getting better, rather than hit or miss.

widows son

Premium Member
I felt the Da Vinci code was ok. Angela and Demons not so much. I too enjoyed the Lost Symbol, only because that was at the start of my interest in joining the fraternity.


Premium Member
I actually thought Angels and Demons was the best of the three I'd read (DaVinci Code and Lost Symbol being the other two).


Premium Member
Lost Symbol is the only one I've read, and I found the ending to be profoundly disappointing. I figured maybe that's why the book was extremely late in being released, that he wrote the whole book and couldn't figure out how to end it, and finally settled on what he did. It made me go "really? All that for this?"


Premium Member
I vaguely remember feeling the same way, Mark. I don't really remember the action at the end, and once the "love letter to the fraternity" started gushing, I pretty much put it down. First time I've put a book down when I was only 20 pages away from the last page. ;)