There's some interesting history about your jurisdiction. You're proud to be a member of what was known back in the early days as First Independent African Grand Lodge of PA. As you should be.
Absalom Jones is right in the history book with Prince Hall. Though they probably never met.
Events happened in your jurisdiction that spawned the formation of an organization that's still controversial in 2017. The National Grand Lodge, or Compact of Colored York Masons.
Are you familiar with this aspect of history in black Pennsylvanian Masonry?
Is this practice (walking the sword) actually in the ritual of any PHA jurisdiction?
Traditional Observance lodges on our side process in to lodge.You can add going in as a line although I am not sure every PHA jurisdiction does it. Most PHA jurisdictions also do not allow plural affiliations.
Yes, the intake process of healing a clandestine Mason takes place in some Prince Hall jurisdictions. My particular jurisdiction allows it.Isn't healing generally a PHGL thing? At least it has been in the past. The often overzealous challenging that happens to other masons is generally a PH mason thing. Unfortunately, there are some other 'things' that definitely would fall under being associated with PHA Masons. Being around Bro. Bill over the years, I knew exactly what he meant.
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Absolutely. It's agreed that these are very true observations. There's only 2 Prince Hall jurisdictions that currently allow dual & plural memberships, Minnesota & Connecticut. Appreciate your use of the qualifying word, most. It makes the truth more accurate. And does help to take the sting out words. Can't stand when people say all or every.You can add going in as a line although I am not sure every PHA jurisdiction does it. Most PHA jurisdictions also do not allow plural affiliations.
Fyi, the definition of 'met' carries with it a signification that a face to face meeting took place at some point.Yes, and I'm not sure where you came with the notion they never met maybe not in person or face to face and still can't be certain of that. There were communications between them and thus Prince Hall along with the other African Lodges 459 that he started. Do you know what the other lodges were?
I'm quite aware of history of black masonry in my jurisdiction. But if you need more information go to look under history also read about Rev. Absalom Jones and Rev. Richard Allen.
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Of course not. What I was trying to convey is that I've only heard of "Walking the sword" in connection with Prince Hall Lodges, never with GLs of state.But anyways, it's never polite to say that a custom or practice or whatever is "strictly a PHA thing". Surely you meant no harm. No harm and no foul, sir.
Appreciate your use of the qualifying word, most. It makes the truth more accurate. And does help to take the sting out words. Can't stand when people say all or every.
Hey i never got an answer about the part of Pennsylania's history concerning the events leading to the formation of the National Grand Lodge from that guy? Lol
Just messing with you, Brother. But there was a method to my madness. Still waiting to see if that term is actually in any PHA ritual or was someone kinda exaggerating or alluding to something else. I'm curious now.
Lol. Indeed there is. But I believe he misunderstood my question and where I'm coming from in my discussion. It happens sometimes. I take it all in good stride.Man, tough crowd here. Lol
Are you sure that you did not meet someone that was not actually a MM regardless of affiliation ?
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Well my Brother in PA, i'm sorry that my approach to this discussion was seen as ego driven. Honestly I'm puzzled by that. I actually talk about Prince Hall Masonry quite alot and usually enjoy it. My ego doesn't enter into most discussions. Why would it?
But in any event, I was thinking to talk about a subject which maybe you have very little care or interest about discussing. I was simply warming up to talking about mid 19th century events which happened with the only 3 African Grand Lodges in existence at that time.
A historical event called the formation of the National Grand Lodge took place in 1847. Incidentally the First Independent African Grand Lodge of PA, as it was known at the time ,was in the thick of it.
I've seen it documented in the history part 2 section of the website so it's not a new revelation of info coming from my lips.
Simply was trying to spark a conversation.
Since that subject has been brought up, I've always been curious as to why dual & plural memberships are generally disallowed in PH. Many of our smaller GLoTX Lodges are surviving mainly due to plural members.There's only 2 Prince Hall jurisdictions that currently allow dual & plural memberships, Minnesota & Connecticut.