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The etiology of willful sin?


Premium Member
What are the etiological forebears of willful sin? I would say they are pride and hypocrisy, and of the two, hypocrisy is far worse. Pride is what we each use to authorize ourselves to willful sin. It is that part that allows us to exempt ourselves from what we know to be right but inconvenient. Thus, it gives each one of us "permission" to indulge. Hypocrisy is far worse. Hypocrisy is what we do that gives "permission" to others to copy our sins. Thus, while pride may allow the disease to incubate, hypocrisy is what spreads it far and wide. After all, what is worse than an authority figure who exempts himself from his own rules? Is that not, indeed, one of the hallmarks the tyrant. After all, if the hypocrite feels free to indulge himself, why should anyone else listen to his morality? Ultimately, hypocrisy brings all morality down to nothing but the self-centered exercise of naked power.

"I don't care, I deserve it." is a private message of self-temptation.
"Do as I say, not as I do." is a trumpet call to tempt the world.

I would rather be next to an honest scoundrel than a hypocrite.

Nothing has prompted this in my life, it was just something I thought up today on the drive to work.