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Recent content by Jim In Bozeman Montana

  1. J

    Italy: Annual Communication

    Grazie, fratello, per il rapporto dall'Italia. I miei antenati a Taranta Peligna, in provincia di Chieti, erano massoni italiani. Porto avanti ciò che hanno iniziato.
  2. J

    Toleration and Freemasonry

    Brother CoachN, perhaps it would be more precise to say that a society can ACCOMODATE intolerance and still function? If the intolerance is not widespread enough to destroy the fabric of the society. Intolerance is not the same as disagreement, is it? Intolerance, coming from the Latin verb...
  3. J

    A Progressive in Conservative land

    Brother, I am also a far-left radical, an activist, and a dedicated Anti-Fascist. And I will offer the opinion that the core values of Freemasonry are very much in alignment with social justice and democracy. How can we love our fellow man and work for our own improvement without challenging...
  4. J

    Has the time come to reach out and ask for new members?

    I can think of some harm. It is my opinion that if you: talk to a man about joining, if you hand him a petition, or sign a petition, you have accepted an obligation to make him feel like he is your brother. The fewer people who feel an obligation to make the new man feel like a Brother the...