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What do you do with your phone during lodge meetings?

What do you do with your phone while in the lodge?

  • Silence it.

    Votes: 81 70.4%
  • Leave it in the car

    Votes: 26 22.6%
  • one calls me anyway.

    Votes: 4 3.5%
  • What's a cell phone?

    Votes: 4 3.5%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
Ah, ok, for some reason I thought it was a land line on the secretary's desk, which would be inappropriate. (In my opinion.) Guess I just assumed. Sorry.

Timothy Fleischer

Registered User
It was indeed common practice in the 18th century lodges to take penalty fees for talking during the degree, forgetting ones regalia, coming too late or forgetting to apologize in advance for not coming and other things. The fees were quite harsh, what clearly shows, that decorum in lodge was not very high in those times.

Bro. Tom,
It would seem to me that perhaps the decorum was quite a bit higher in the golden olden days... the fines were probably quite rare indeed.

Decorum, particularly among my younger brothers (Masonically, not chronologically), seems to decline a bit.

A meeting rarely last longer than an hour. I understand emergencies, but think that we all consider ourselves indispensable to our businesses (which I own) and our families. I find two or three voice messages (all of them emergencies) to remember to bring home the milk... or "is that danged meeting over with yet?" on my phone after every meeting.

I leave mine in the car, because -- honestly -- if I turn it on silent, I will forget that it is on silent for the next three blessed days of not having the stupid thing buzz off on me whenever I am trying to get some peace. I've lost more phones because of that stupid silent button than I can count.... of course, I hate cell phones to begin with, but that is me personally.

And a certain pique of mine is to hear a Brother snort out a chuckle (usually when the Master is speaking), because he has read one of those insipidly stupid chain emails on his phone!


Premium Member
When I was first initiated, my father had told me not to bring my phone into lodge with me so nobody would think that I am recording or taking pictures of the rituals and I think he was just telling me that to add to my nervousness with all the "secrets", but I never really questioned it or brought it up afterwards and have just continued to leave it in my truck. Only recently have I brought it in with me, but I turn it completely off so that way it doesn't accidentally go off. Even on silent, if I have an alarm set on my phone it will be audible and I don't want to risk that happening in the middle of


Registered User
At Grand Lodge here in Wisconsin a couple years ago MWGM J. B. Van Hollen (who is the current AG of Wisconsin) ordered that all cell phones be shut off, and any that rang during session would net the owner a $25.00 fine. The second day during the session a cell phone started ringing. No one answered it and it kept ringing. Finally GM Van Hollen said that he would pay the fine since it was his phone!


Floresville #515
Premium Member
The closest answer was leave it in car. I actually leave it in the Dinning room silenced.


Premium Member
Need an "other" option :) I would go as far as to give the option for extenuating circumstances. I have a 5 month old that will be 7 months when I will sit in my first meeting as a MM. I plan to let the WM know that I may be called because of an emergency and will need my phone on me on vibrate during a meeting. If it is a security issue for some the brethren have to realize they voted you in because they found you trustworthy to take the degrees and protect the secrets of the lodge and masonry as a whole.


Premium Member
Put it on silence drop it in the brief case until communication is over.
Bro. T.L. Wilson
Clarence C.Kittrell, #149 (PHA)
Phila, PA
MWPHGL Jurisdiction of PA

Freemason Connect Mobile

Colby K

Premium Member
I would rather leave it in the car but my job requires me to be reachable 24/7. So, I put it on vibrate and put in my pocket. I only check it if I am recieving a call. I am at a military lodge so the brethern understand as others are in the same situation. But like I said I'd rather leave it in the car, or throw it in the water, or off a high, high building.


Premium Member
As much as I would like to leave it in my car, I have to keep it with me as I have men that work at night that may have issues on jobs as well as a father that is not in good health. I just silence it


Registered User
We have an agreement in our lodge. If your phone goes off during a meeting, you have to buy a round of drinks for all lodge members present. The last time someone's phone went off it was during an official visit, and the phone belonged to the DDGM!
We marched him down to the local pub after the meeting, and he bought the first round!

Freemason Connect Mobile


Registered User
I put it in airplane mode. The reason I bring it in to the lodge room is because I do use it as an electronic calendar and organizer. When I am on call, I inform the WM that I will need to monitor my phone prior to the start of business.


Premium Member
As I just saw this thread yesterday I decided to reply even though it was started in 2011. I put my phone on Viberate I am required by a couple of agencies to reply with-in 10 min. when called. I won't be fired they put out alerts I must reply too. And it is tested once a week.