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PHA and A.F. & A.M Working Together


Registered User
It is sad that every time I meet a brother of differences in backgrounds, I still get asked the question , are u ph? And I ceep my composure because I know what they are trying to imply, I wish brothers would look past the skin and stop assuming things liks that, Im full African American with a lil indian in me n I'm the happiest af&am mm there is! ;-) its all love and I will continue to be on the square



Registered User
I have a question...why do people call the GLoStates George Washington GLs...didn't*James Edward Oglethorpe receive the first charter in America in 1734?

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Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Because some are offended by the term "mainstream". It tends to imply that other GLs are inferior.


Registered User
I prefer GLoState but to each his own

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Premium Member
I have a question...why do people call the GLoStates George Washington GLs...didn't*James Edward Oglethorpe receive the first charter in America in 1734?

I think I'm the one who introduced the term on this forum. I've been using it for many years elsewhere before I encountered this forum. I'm nearly the only one here who uses the term with any frequency. I resist using "mainstream" as both family branches are mainstream. In the case of any one state GLofTX and MWPHAGLofTX work but on occasion I still want terms for the two branches of our family.

You have a good point for Oglethorpe but I wanted a brother whose name brothers will recognize. Only Masonic history buffs know the name Oglethorpe.
I have an additional reason to prefer Washington over Oglethorpe - W Bro Washington introduced separate sovereignty per state to the US. He built on the models of the GLs in England, Scotland and Ireland, introducing what became the American doctrine of territorial exclusivity.

The doctrine has been a mixed blessing ever since. It shows that GLs can function well with no central authority - This has been good for PHA GLs. It says that GLs hold their own territory - This has been used to hold back PHA recognition.

That and Oglethorpe was of a generation before W Bros Washington and Hall. Washington and Hall were contemporaries.


Registered User
I hope to see more intertwining of the two factions. They are my Brothers and i hope they will consider me a Brother of theirs as well!
