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Program Topics


Premium Member
I would really enjoy an exchange of ideas for short talks to present at lodge. My favorites are always interesting moments in Masonic history that may or may not have changed how we do masonry today.

Every May, I try to remember to give a talk about the foundation of Holland Lodge, and the story of the Masonic Oak in Brazoria.

The "Larmenius Charter" found in the writing desk of an executed French nobleman, that magically confers the Grand Mastership of the Knights Templar.

The career of Baron von Hund, his encounter with the "Knight of the Red Feather" and the founding of the Rite of Strict Observance.

The evening when the great masonic scholar William Preston walked across the street in his apron, and in the controversy he thus created, ended up founding his own Grand Lodge

Why a mop and pail almost got on the list of working tools of an EA

The Baltimore Convention

Ramsay's oration, and it's results

The first lodge in Utah, Rocky Mountain Lodge, and it's influence on masonry in the civil war

Civil war stories of fraternal assistance between soldiers of opposing armies. Armistead. McKinley.

Please share some of your favorite topics, how about?

Tom Ball
San Juan 1173


Registered User
As a young Mason, I have very limited experience in Masonic programs. Most recently I gave a program about the Development of the Texas Ritual. The most interesting items in the program for me were the presumed jurisdictional influences on our "composite" Texas Work (i.e. Texas' limited use of the Deacon's rods presumed to be from Mississippi, the later part of the EA degree presumed to be from a Scottish influence, etc.), and items such as Grand Lecturer, Brother Henry King being credited with a memory device for Master Masons ... something about cotton and cotton gins.

As Senior Warden, I read a Masonic article or short talk before the close of each Stated Communication. Most recently I chose a short story from The Old Tiler Talks by Carl Claudy. These short stories are some gems that instill some timeless Masonic lessons from situations that arose in lodges in 1921 and continue to arise in 2011.

I have also read excerpts from articles regarding the Anchor and the Ark and the Noah tradition in Masonry, etc.

Chance Robinson
Sul Ross 1300


Registered User
The Grand Lodge of Virginia reommends that we provide programs that involve the audience. Their recommendations have always gone something along the lines of ask discussion questions after each I don't know about you but when I tried that I got a bunch of chirping crickets.

So one of my officers approached me with an outside speaker's name (a non mason) who actually taught (unknown to him) a masonic program. He taught about the star spangled banner and the pledge of allegiance. He had visuals and audio and there wasn't a dry tear in the house when he was done. He was found via the Chamber of Commerce. You should have heard the pledge that night, it was like thunder.

One stated meeting, the lodge was put to refreshment and a Rainbow Girl was brought it. She had the "Lambskin Lecture" recited to her. For those of you unfamiliar with this as all of us were. This is a lecture that a master mason gives to newly initiated girls explaining some of the rsymbolisms of the lambskin. I learned a few things that night myself! The mother advisor can provide a copy of that lecture. It is best to invite the Worthy Advisor, she is the equivalent of the master. And then give her a couple of minutes afterwards to make any announcements for her organizations' going-ons.

My favorite, and one I wish I could find more like (which in my search brought me to this forum) was a "What's wrong with the Lodge?" night. We advertised this ahead of time in the newsletter with cryptic messages that something had happened to the lodge, and their help was needed. Now you need to practice with the officers cause it isn't easy. But on the night of the stated you make sure every member has a piece of paper and pen, announce that everyone needs to keep their seats for safety reasons as the lights will go out but you promise it will be only a very short moment; turn out the lights and rearrange just about everything. The top three meet at the alter and swap jewels, the charter is pulled off the wall, the bible is re-arranged, the deacons swap staves, and anything else you want to put out of place. The members then have 10 minutes to SILENTLY (I had one guy start calling things out and had to stop him) move about the lodge and see how many things wrong they can find. When the ten minutes are up you give a brief explaination as to why the wrong things go where they should go. Your DIW can help you create a little blurp on that if need be. This got me the most feedback. Past masters from other lodges commented on how fun and educational they thought that was. So if you gentlemen have anything more like that I am all ears!!