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How do you fill about Conspiracy theories like the Illuminati?


Registered User
So im a senior in high school who will be 18 in 29 days and i will most definitely be petioning one of the lodges in my town. Anyway i was having a conversation with some of my friends who seriously believe the illuminati still exist and i told them it was dismantled in 1776 and hasn't been seen since. I went on to describe the inconsistencies of the conspiracy theorist who use masonic symbols and claim they are satanic and what not. I told them of my intentions to be a freemason and they held up there diamonds and called me a satan worshiper jokingly but i curious to know what do yall think because even i know that freemasonry has been shrouded in conspiracy theories since its inception.


The Illuminati? They're mostly just's the reptilian overlords that really get under my skin. So demanding! :lol:


Premium Member
I enjoy conspiracy theories. Well, a few of them anyway.
Sometimes the little nuggets of truth have some validity but most conspiracy theories are just bunk.

As to your petition, be sure your intention of joining is about personal improvement, personal growth freemasonry, in wisdom and knowledge and not fulfillment of some conspiracy of your own. If the latter is your goal then You may be disappointed.


Registered User
oh no i absolutley don't want to join to fulfill some conspiracy theory interest i am well aware that nothing is going on that is strange because my great granddad was a Freemason i never knew him but he raised my grandmother and she is a great woman so he was probably a great man and every mason i have ever met was a great man and also the #1 reason i want to join is to help others through charity

California Master

Registered User
Welcome young man. I hope you find a good lodge that will fullfill your hopes and dreams. This is the greatest fraternity in the world. Don't get too taken up with all of the hype. People like to throw out theories. I just laugh at them (one of my daughter-in-laws) and say that I don't have time to talk because I have to go and kill a sheep for our devil worshipping ritual for tonight!

Seriously, I would like to suggest some very good reading. The book was written in 1986 if my memory serves me well. The title is: "Born in Blood". It deals a lot with the Knights Templars and Masonry in general. It also discusses Jauques DeMolay as well. I don't know if you know anything about the DeMolay, but it is a male youth organization for young men from ages 14 to 21. It takes a Masonic affiliation (family member) for a candidate to join. It's a great organization that teaches great morals and ritual.

Colby K

Premium Member
Seriously, I would like to suggest some very good reading. The book was written in 1986 if my memory serves me well. The title is: "Born in Blood". It deals a lot with the Knights Templars and Masonry in general. It also discusses Jauques DeMolay as well. I don't know if you know anything about the DeMolay,

Just finished "Born in Blood." Lot of interesting content. I really enjoyed it and would recommend to any brother.


Yep! Conspiracy theorists love 'em, in fact some of them treat them as semi prophetic.


I think it's just coincidence though.


Premium Member
Well to answer your other question regarding Satan worship and symbolism, most of the symbolism that are used both in Freemasonry and the Occult are coincidental. Because there is such a long history for Masonry, a lot of the symbolism was used far before any of the others and some were taken from others and used in Masonry (there are several influences that were brought into the teachings as many Brothers sought Light and brought it back into the Fraternity's teachings.

As for your Journey, it will be entirely unique. You will find that each Brother views many similar teachings and symbols completely different and the beauty is that you only need to apply what you believe is proper Light for your Journey. You'll understand more once you are Initiated and get deeper into the history and teachings.

As far as Satanism and Freemasonry. The Church of Satan and many Occult groups directly used Masonic symbolism in their teachings far after they had been applied in Masonic teachings. The important thing to remember is that Freemasonry used it first for their own purposes and that other groups used the same or similar symbolism (either from Masonic teachings or from the originators of the symbols, many times the latter). This is not the same as the symbol meaning the same thing. It is all about interpretation and just because somebody is using the same thing for a negative, evil, or unappealing purpose...doesn't affect the original use in Masonic teachings.

Rest assured, you will be in control of your interpretation of the teachings and principles of Freemasonry. You will swear to uphold the rules and regulations, etc. of Freemasonry, but that does not in any way mean that you will be forced to interpret symbolism in a certain way. It is your Journey, and I wish you the best of luck and pray that you will enjoy it far more than I have so far. It will do you great things and you will do great things for the future of Freemasonry. Thanks for asking, Friend.


Premium Member
Young Brother, if you are eventually successful in your quest to become a Mason, you will learn what it is Brother Masons REALLY DO, STUDY, AND which conspiracy theories are garbage. Those who are among the UNINITIATED and UNENLIGHTNENED are NOT qualified to speak on what it is we all cherish about this "time honored insitutution".................please keep us posted on your progress............If you need any assistance on petitioning a Prince Hall Affiliated Lodge in your area, please feel free to contact me or any of the other PHA Brothers on this Forum................

Bro. Vincent C. Jones, Sr., Lodge Chaplain, Bayou City Lodge #228
Prince Hall Affiliation, Free and Accepted Masonry, Houston, Texas
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas