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Search results

  1. Mason Scot

    Creating a New Lodge

    The Brother needs to obtain a dispensation from the Grand Lodge Jurisdiction he is in first. I hope you find this helpful.
  2. Mason Scot

    Freemasonry in Cinema

    You've been helpful. SMIB
  3. Mason Scot

    Freemasonry in Cinema

    Was Humphrey Bogart a Freemason? Thank you.
  4. Mason Scot

    Duties of the Worthy Patron?

    The Worthy Patron is (1.) To be in charge of the lodge, and (2.) to be present at the conferring of the degrees. Those are two duties of the Worthy Patron, (WP/ MWGP) in the Order Of The Eastern Star. I hope you find this helpful.
  5. Mason Scot

    On The Level

    Greetings, and brothers thank you.