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Sadly our OES chapter that I was W/P in closed this last month. With my wife being the youngest active member at 55 and the W/M being 85 we could see no reason to continue. We will go to different chapters. There are a lot of things OES has to change to make it appealing to younger members. But...
Worthy patron at Star Light #463 in Knoxville Tn. For now at least , do to losing members to death we are having to seek to combine with another chapter. Is this problem all over?
If you both turn in a petition at the same time you can share the experience and learn together . It will help to have someone to practice with.
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Been married for 35 years, you will never be free of arguments but there is hope but it takes both of you. As said before it can't my or me but us. Kids are important but they will grow and leave. So your priority must be her and hers you. You have to under stand you can't fix her problems. You...
My son was a MM. I have always be intrigued with the secrecy but when he told me they have live morals, I was convinced to follow through. My son traveled from out of state for my EA FC and he was the one to raise me. The thing that a lodge would let someone from out of state and very close to...
Bright Hope in Knoxville Tn is initiating 8 this month alone. I find this exciting and way different then the Eastern Star of the same lodge who is average age of seventy.
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If his record is that of a felon then he should not be a Mason, but if he turned his life around then all Masons should help and pray for him. This is another example on how we should make our presence know to show there is a more rewarding and upright way of life for our younger generation...