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Brother Lance Kennedy speaks on The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints & Freemasonry. He delivers his lecture at Plano Lodge No 768, Plano, Texas where Worshipful Shaun Henry holds a monthly education presentation by bringing in featured guest speakers to his Lodge. This lecture was...
Freemason Hando Nahkur discusses his homeland, Estonia, how and why he became a Mason and what the life of a Concert Pianist studying for his Doctorate is like. Along the way we get to watch him perform.
Brother Nathan Tweedie works for the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York and he gives us some interesting information on Major League and Negro League Baseball Players who were Freemasons and also some interesting information about his Lodge.
WB Ben Wallace describes his Traditional Observance Lodge, Sophia Lodge, of which he is the founding Master, and which is the first TO Lodge in North Carolina. He goes on to explain in detail the Grand Lodge Masonic Education Program he authored, the Middle Chamber Program.
Reaching Out to Masonic Seekers Who Are Reluctant To Join
If you know somebody who would make a good Mason send them this video. If you know somebody who feels they don’t have enough information to join Freemasonry, send them this video. If you know somebody who has heard about Freemasonry but...
Phoenixmasonry Live visits The Setting Maul Study Circle out of Fellowship Lodge in Bridgewater, Massachusetts to discuss the paper of PM Frederic L. Milliken.
RW Frank Jackson, MWPHGLTX
RW Frank Jackson, Junior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and Grand Historian talks about his personal Masonic journey, the origins of Masonry from Africa and early Texas Prince Hall activity.
On Aril 16th I will be visiting The Setting Maul Study Group of Fellowship Lodge - well via video anyway. There I will make a presentation of my paper Native American Rituals & The Influence Of Freemasonry. Please join me and Jason MacKeen.
C. R. Dunning, Jr. Author of Contemplative Masonry - 2018 discusses his book Contemplative Masonry, Basic Applications of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Imagery for the craft.
The book is for those seeking to utilize Masonic symbolism and teachings in a way that is practical, accessible...
Our latest show at Phoenixmasonry Live is a great one. Masonic author Chuck Dunning discusses his latest book, "Contemplative Masonry." Freemasons are Thinkers, Philosophical People, and Spiritual Beings. Chuck Dunning's presentation will bring out that fact and show how to make a good man...
On November 17, 2016 Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F & AM Michael T. Anderson spoke at Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283, Grand Lodge of Texas AF & AM upon the invitation of Worshipful David Bindel. Worshipful Bindel remarked that he thought this...
Adkins has opened my eyes to the realization of the effect of religion on Freemasonry and also the effect of Freemasonry on religion.
Actually to carry this thought a little further, when we choose a philosophy of life, that philosophy really has many different components. We choose a religious...
For San Antonio PHA Lodges:
Blue Bonnet Lodge #192
WM Johnny Hernandez
San Antonio Lodge #1
PM Burrell Parmer
Both friends of mine. Mention my name.
Frederic L. Milliken
I looking forward to attending Lodge with some new Brothers!
Frederic L. Milliken