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Thank you Brothers!
I will try to hit on the points brought up with out copying all the text and reposting them.
1. I am entertaining dual membership.
2. It's not that I do not find value in my Lodge. I find it and see it, I am looking for more. Things I'm looking for:
A group that is...
Please lend me some time and advise.
I'm considering changing lodges, my Mother Lodge is good, but I question is it the right one for me. I did not do research into Lodges. One of my co-workers who is a Brother helped me get in. Now he is on the road and never at Lodge. The issues...
Go check Etsy, they have some neat ones there. I found 00 (7/16) plugs there with the S&C. But they have some nice hand made stuff.
Brother Joel
Master Mason
Epes Randolph Lodge #32
Tucson AZ
Thanks for joining the boards you will find a wealth of information. But please keep in mind to circumscribe your passions.
Brother Joel
Master Mason
Epes Randolph Lodge #32
Tucson AZ
Re: Just married, looking for words of wisdom and
Take your time and learn about each other. Good and bad......
Understand you can not change someone, only influence their thoughts, and that is no guaranty that they will change.
Wait for kids, if you can. They are a joy, but also one of the...
I hear you, but I think you get a book too. But everything seems to cost something. The body would not be able to function and grow if it was free.
Brother Joel
Master Mason
Epes Randolph Lodge #32
Tucson AZ
I believe the program is a few years old, not a 100% sure.
If you go to the SR page and look up education it's under that subject. It's a pen and paper coarse, no grades, just you and your thoughts on a subject. I believe it $30-40, once you register they send you a pack and you begin.
And no I do not intend on joining anything just yet. I know the Blue lodge has a great deal to offer. Plus I want to travel to other lodges and have a strong foundation for the next step. I have taken some time too between my degrees, understanding it's not a race, but a journey. I think before...
A few months ago I looked into the Master Craftsman program. As it stood then any one could take it, non-Masons, Masons, men, women, any one. And I believe the way that it is set up does not interfere with any teachings of the SR, but more over helps you gain a deeper meaning into your own life...
Thanks brothers! I plan to take it slow, stay with Blue lodge and soak up as much as I can. I want to start the Master Craftsman program from the Scottish Rite at the start of the year. I figure it would be a great way to start the year Once I complete it, look at joining it maybe in a year or...
Last night brethren I was raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason at aPast Masters Night.
Wow........ That was awesome!
Still processing it.........
Brother Joel
Master Mason
Epes Randolph Lodge #32
Tucson AZ
Re: So Mote It Be! When to be used, only at Lodge
I say it in an audible tone, like I would say Amen.
Brother Joel
FC Mason
Epes Randolph Lodge #32
Tucson AZ
So Mote It Be! should it only be used in lodge, or every where?
Just a question, and I would like my brethren's thoughts on this please.
I think it would be ok to say in the place of Amen.
What do you guys think?
Brother Joel
FC Mason
Epes Randolph Lodge #32
Tucson AZ