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According to the NMJ Constitution (2009)
In the description of 33° Active and Active Emeritus caps (art. 1219.1) and lapel buttons (art. 1216), the double-headed eagle is described as "a double-headed eagle, wings extended and pointing up." For the cap (art. 1219.2) and label button (art. 1217)...
A "less than steller" credit score is hardly a reason to deny admittance. It is more about character and how you carry yourself, and what is in your heart. You seem to be on the right track be talking to the brothers and putting yourself out there. Masonry takes all walks of life, therefore all...
The Newly Made Mason by H.L.Haywood
The Freemasons:A History of the World's Most Powerful Secret Society by Jasper Ridley
Born in Blood, A Pilgrims Path and Dungeon,Fire and Sword, all by John J Robinson.
I also liked A Treasury of Masonic Thought, by Carl Glick, found it on Ebay for around...
Going to be Raised on November 28.Wanted to thank you all for the support and information this site provides( even though I am bringing up the rear in the Football League!!!). It has been an amazing journey already and I havent even scratced the surface!!!
I just put my subscription on hold last week and now today I stumble on this thread! I agree with some...once I hit 85 it became boring. I'm not into pvp at all so I am waiting until the next expansion. Meanwhile I just started playing Rift, which is very similar to wow but I think has better...
I was first made a Mason in my heart....therefore I considered myself to be one even before I was initiated. However i dont run around proclaiming to be one,to brothers or others