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Congratulations on deciding to resort to ad hominem when you fail to actually make your point in a way that is understood. You are free to now hurl more personal insults as a substitute for actually speaking plainly and actually stating your allege "point".
Philosophy is what somebody ended up calling what a bunch of Greeks started in the pre-Alexandrian period. It was not about truth so much as about determining the proper way to live. Truth, on the other hand, was merely a tool to use or discard as necessary. Plato's Republic, for example, is...
If this is true, it is possible that God, who transcends time, sent the symbol of the Cross throughout the past and future to all time so that humanity would be ready for it.
Bulgakov was denounced quite strongly as a heretic by his own Church (which happens to also be my Church). As for looking into someone's eyes--that means nothing. A man has the power to harden his own heart and look to sin without Satan controlling him.
As for "the results of there [sic] time", the "results" were the entrance of He who brought salvation to all the nations, so, I'd say it was a good thing.
The alchemy I'm most familiar with is in the "Book of Quintessence". It's a manual on how to create high-proof ethanol, using high-falutin' language. It then gets into all the wonderful effects you will feel if you take it for various ailments. There was a good deal of that in the old...
When means become ends. This is what has been described. All these metrics were designed for the purpose of improving the end goal, which in this case is closing those sales and delivering the products. It would be like a laboratory ceasing to worry about publishing useful papers and just doing...
I agree with mrpierce17, although I would say even more: Masons build. Masons build themselves, help each other build themselves, build communities, build, build, and build.
It's very simple: If you want to visit, go through channels. That's what lodge secretaries are for. That makes any personal challenge simply pro forma.
And I could make up a group that hands out little certificates proclaiming every member a Senator of the United States of America. Doesn't make it truth.
Frequency of old white southern men in Kentucky, I'd say. Nasty thing to admit, but it's the most likely explanation. Are you aware that "F&A Masons" is actually meaningless. The Grand Lodge of Texas is AF&M, for example.
What actual evidence is there that the Knights Templar were heretical? The general consensus is that they had no deviant religious beliefs. The religious angle was just an excuse to divide up their assets and let the King of France avoid paying his debts to them.
Guenon was far more an occultist than Masonic scholar. For him, Freemasonry was merely a means to an end, and his end was to "restore" an occultism in the West that never existed outside the imaginations of 19th-century and early 20th-century European occultists. In Masonic circles, he's a...