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A gift for a brother, help please.


Registered User
Good morning,

I am going to be raised to MM this week and I would like to get a gift for the brother that has helped me with all of my degree work. The problem? He is a past Grand Master. I have no clue what I should get him. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Premium Member
Something simple. A dinner certificate to take his wife out. A new pocket knife. Remember his real thank you is seeing you work and become a productive master mason. The best thank you I have ever received is a candidate getting his certificate and thanking me in lodge for setting him down the path with good instruction.
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Bro. Stewart P.M.

Lead Moderator Emeritus
Staff Member
I agree with Bro. Beathard, keep it simple and sincere... Just because he is a Past Grand Master matters not.


Registered User
Hi and congratulations. I know you'll love it. I again agree with everyone else. You should get him a pocket knife with the square and compasses which can be found on amazon. Or a shirt pin. Or a hat. Congratulations again brother.


Registered User
Thanks brothers. I guess I will go with something simple, it just doesn't seem like much compared to how much he has helped me, but I guess part of his reward is what I do. Thanks again.


Premium Member
Remember that we as masons don't do this for material gain. A small gift is nice, but it is more of a payback / pay-forward thing.


Premium Member
Remember his real thank you is seeing you work and become a productive master mason. The best thank you I have ever received is a candidate getting his certificate and thanking me in lodge for setting him down the path with good instruction.
This. A thousand times this.


Coach John S. Nagy
Premium Member
Brother Johnny is spot on!

However, if you want to also give him more than this, how about a gift of Further Light in appreciation of all the Light that he shared with you?

(And yes, I am the author.)

Brother Coach N