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Appropriate symbols/regalia for an E.A. or F.C.


Registered User
As a newly initiated, enthusiastic E.A., would it be inappropriate to wear a pin or other regalia that denotes membership? I know that the S&C with Compasses on top is out of bounds until I'm raised, but what about a forget-me-not, or circumpunct, or Euclud's 47th problem, or any other symbol that does NOT include a S&C in the Master Mason configuration? Thoughts? If it matters, I'm under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of D.C.

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Premium Member
Thanks for writing. My personal opinion (21 years as a Freemason): While I have seen (in photos only) EA pins and rings, these are usually worn in jurisdictions in which it may required to take ONE YEAR to advance between the degrees (UK, Australia, Europe etc) please remember that patience is a virtue (doubly so in Freemasonry).

What I have seen are pins consisting of the letters “EA” or “FC” sold through various Masonic regalia companies - again confirm with your lodge officers whether or not the use of these pins is acceptable.

I personally feel that EAs and FCs should be discreet about their membership and focus on the memory (or other) work so that they could advance to their goal of being a Master Mason.

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Registered User
The day I was initiated I was given two pins, one by a representative of our grand lodge and one from my worshipful master-both in the master mason configuration.
While to a mason it denotes the third degree it is also the emblem of the freemasons so if your justiction allows it I see no issue.

Keith C

Registered User
I agree with Warrior1256 and Glen Cook, check with your Lodge and Grand Lodge. As an example the 47th Proposition of Euclid, In PA is part of the Past Master's symbol and would very much not be appropriate for an EA. Other jurisdictions may use other symbology in other ways.

Again, it is jurisdictional, but how long will you be an EA? For me it was only a Month so there was no real point in finding some symbol to wear, I was more focused on understanding the Ritual I had passed through and the lessons it taught.


Site Benefactor
Again, it is jurisdictional, but how long will you be an EA? For me it was only a Month so there was no real point in finding some symbol to wear, I was more focused on understanding the Ritual I had passed through and the lessons it taught.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
In my jurisdiction EAs & FCs are not allowed to wear any type of Masonic jewelry or regalia. Your jurisdiction's mileage may vary.

Mike Martin

Eternal Apprentice
Premium Member
As a newly initiated, enthusiastic E.A., would it be inappropriate to wear a pin or other regalia that denotes membership? I know that the S&C with Compasses on top is out of bounds until I'm raised, but what about a forget-me-not, or circumpunct, or Euclud's 47th problem, or any other symbol that does NOT include a S&C in the Master Mason configuration? Thoughts? If it matters, I'm under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of D.C.

It is best to check with your Proposer about what is acceptable in your jurisdiction. For example over here England Euclid's 47th would be out as that is the emblem of a Past Master.


Premium Member
In my jurisdiction EAs & FCs are not allowed to wear any type of Masonic jewelry or regalia. Your jurisdiction's mileage may vary.

Yet a few years ago a GM handed out lapel pins with the EA symbol like the one seen in the top corner of that assortment when he attended first degrees during his term. So the technicalities may not even be clear in the rules of a jurisdiction. Does the Texas rule apply to symbols in general, or symbols of that degree in particular? We recently had a GM that chose the later interpretation. This is why I suggest asking the local PMs might not work.

I have rarely seen jewelry with the EA symbol on it. I'd need a magnifying glass to tell an FC symbol from an MM symbol so I have no idea if I've ever seen an FC symbol.

In Texas the 47th Problem is used by the committee on work who teach the standard ritual for the state so that symbol would not be a good idea unless a recent GM authorized its use. Sure enough I have a Masonic challenge coin from a different recent GM that has the 47th Problem on the tails side as well as a lapel pin made during that GM's recent term.


Registered User
I won't venture an opinion, as it seems that there are always jurisdictional differences between lodges (both written and unwritten). But I went through the same curiosity as to what I could pin on my lapel, and when. The brethren in my lodge (Illinois AF&AM) confirmed that, although there seemed to be no hard and fast rule - there is an unwritten one which is commonly followed and enforced, most especially during lodge. So Warrior's recommendation above is excellent advice. Your brethren will guide you.

I can relate though, as I was also very eager to show myself as an EA, then an FC. However, the PM's and other brethren recommended subtlety and that I focus on my progression before advertising my association to the fraternity. It has other benefits as well - as I can now confidently wear the light without fear of being considered a false advertiser. I have shown my proficiency in the first two degrees, and will return my MM proficiency tomorrow - in open lodge. There is something to be said for taken the hard road and controlling your passions. =-) Patience is a virtue. (hint hint)

Good luck in your work and enjoy your journey!


Registered User
As a newly initiated, enthusiastic E.A., would it be inappropriate to wear a pin or other regalia that denotes membership? I know that the S&C with Compasses on top is out of bounds until I'm raised, but what about a forget-me-not, or circumpunct, or Euclud's 47th problem, or any other symbol that does NOT include a S&C in the Master Mason configuration? Thoughts? If it matters, I'm under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of D.C.View attachment 6287

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Thanks, brothers.
I did know that in England--and I believe Pennsylvania--the 47th Problem is a P.M. symbol, so that was a bad example. I'm content to be patient but am also asking as I have a friend who is joining an affinity lodge that follows a foreign rite that apparently takes a full year between degrees, so was looking for an appropriate gift for his initiation. I did manage to find an S&C pin in the E.A. configuration. Was also looking at pins showing the circumpunt with columns or St's John and VSL.
Was also hoping maybe a forget me not would work.
I have a question in to my Grand Lodge and will await their answer and share back here.

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Registered User
He could wear a pin with the circumpunct. That was my favorite symbol to wear when I was an EA. Also, they make shirts and pins with a ear of corn/wheat.

I like subtle imagery. Glad your EA has the zeal to want to wear an appropriate emblem and is proud of his progress as a Mason.