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Doubt has no place in true faith. It does however in "expectations".
I love this.
Doubt has no place in true faith. It does however in "expectations".
Nailed it! Bravo, sir....I choose to believe it could be reasonably argued and successfully too that any Faith based upon a claim of "knowing" contradicts the very definition of Faith and contradicts Faith in general since once you know, it no longer qualifies as Faith
Thanks Brother JohnnyNailed it! Bravo, sir.
Brother Peter,...Doubt has no place in true faith. It does however in "expectations".
There have been so many times that I have heard that "Non-Christian's" will not get to heaven, because they do not worship Jesus, and yet Jesus (born and raised Jewish) did not worship himself and is supposed to be the pathway to heaven. What if the religuous scholars are wrong and the phrase I have been bashed over the head with so many times; "I am the way and the light" does not mean to worship Jesus but to live your life like him and you will find the path to God?
Just throwing it out there for dicussion.
bravo!like you can just throw that out there!
i have always thought the term "i am" refers to god himself. So to say i am the way the truth and the light is the same as god is the way the truth and the light. My take of course but it does kinda say that in the bible when god and moses have their chat.
14god said to moses, "i am who i am. This is what you are to say to the israelites: 'i am has sent me to you.'" 15god also said to moses, "say to the israelites, 'the lord, the god of your fathers-the god of abraham, the god of isaac and the god of jacob-has sent me to you!' this is my name forever!"
What you are referring to is point of dogma, not necessarily a fact. Christians, arguably mainly the fundamentalists, state that only Jesus can save us and ensure a place in heaven. This is not so for most of the world's religions. In fact, if one chooses to expand on a fundamentalist dogma, it is that reason for which many Christian churches forbid membership in Masonry making that dogma one of intolerance and discrimination. As we are aware, the Catholic Papal Bulls prescribe excommunication and refusal of sacraments as a punishment for membership in the Craft. Some religions prescribe death as a remedy for membership in Freemasonry. And so strict adherence to religious dogma can be a very bad thing (IMHO).There have been so many times that I have heard that "Non-Christian's" will not get to heaven, because they do not worship Jesus, and yet Jesus (born and raised Jewish) did not worship himself and is supposed to be the pathway to heaven.
I don't believe that for a second. Their religion teaches them how to get to heaven, same as ours.
1) For some it is experienced this way.To add another thought, is heaven a closeness to god and hell a separation from god? If so could we not experience it while alive? And if we can, what implications might this have for the afterlife? Does got want one religion over another? Or does he want to devout worshipper whatever the faith?
Equally puzzling is the Tree of Life. What possible use is it if mankind was indeed created perfect in the first place?How boring it must be to spend eternity with a bunch of yes men, all weeping and crying every time you say or do anything. On the other hand how terrible it must be to spend eternity with a bunch that does not know joy.
**clairification: I would wonder why God in his infinite wisdom would put the tree of knowledge intot he garden of eden if he did not expect that Adam and Eve would someday partake, thus giving them knowledge and becoming what we have become now. ...