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Conduct unbecoming of Masons


Registered User
Hello Brothers,
I am a recently passed FC. I have been lurking on this sight for a few months now. I think your communication here about masonry is excellent. Because of the great information here it gave me the final push to become a mason. I thank all of you that participate in this forum for your insights.

Now to the issue at hand. I am online with two other FC's. Just recently we were notified via email that our line has been suspended until further notice. Their was no explanation given as to why except that "there is confusion that will not permit any further advancement in masonry." This is a shock to me. I have never been made aware that there were any issues AT ALL. There has been much confusion and a lack of communication within the lodge because of how they have chosen to communicate to the brethren which is via general emails to everyone. They are not always very nice or positive. I nor my line mates were notified of anything issues. I have had absolutely no contact with the SW or JW since being online. My communication with the WM has been sporadic via text messages and email. We have attended 3 lodge meetings and never a negative word at the meetings.

My question is, what recourse do myself and my line mates have regarding a unilateral suspension? I have paid all my fees and dues upfront and now this. I would not believe that with the obligation and the ideas set forth by masonry that the conduct of the officers of this lodge would be allowed to go without some form of recourse. The way this has been handled is totally unprofessional and shoddy at best. If any one has some input it would be greatly appreciated.


Premium Member
Hmm bizarre indeed.
There is a lot in your post that sounds... off. What do you mean when you say "your line" and "online with two other FCs" and "no contact...since being online"? Being notified BY EMAIL that you are being suspended sounds very fishy. Why has your only communication with your WM been via text? Am I daydreaming or is this some sort of "online lodge", hah? (EDIT: well, you did say that you've attended meetings, why are the officers so unavailable?) What lodge are you a part of (you can PM me that if you'd like)? You are correct, this all sounds off and wrong and no brother deserves to be treated with disrespect or kept in the dark like that.
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Premium Member
What has your coach mentor said while learning the work? When you are working on the work at the lodge what was said to you. We have stuff every monday and Thursday with our mintors when we are woring on the work. I am not sure what you are saying about a line.


Premium Member
Hmm bizarre indeed.
There is a lot in your post that sounds... off. What do you mean when you say "your line" and "online with two other FCs" and "no contact...since being online"?

We actually refer to groups of men going through the degrees as a class. Other than that though, I agree with Brother Crono782, something isn't right.


Registered User
I apologize for not using the correct terminology. I am still trying to learn on my own. At this point my fellow FC's have had no mentor or any help from the officers. Part of it is because most of them are recently raised themselves. We (The FC's) have studied on our own to learn the material. We have been allowed to attend meetings by having them lowered to our degree. When I say line, I mean the brothers that are going through the initiation process together.


Premium Member
Ok, I get your terminology I guess. Several issues sound very distressing; the lack of members either fluent in the work or willing to teach, the lodge communication lines, and blatant disregard for mentoring new members just to name a few. Besides those glaring issues, the topic at hand of you being suspended for unknown reasons; your location would help greatly (even if just your jurisdiction). To be suspended means that some form of masonic violation should have occurred, but you should have the right to rebut these charges if so.

EDIT: @Onewhoseeks: I got your PM.
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Premium Member
I don't see how you can do anything without a mentor or mentor's. None of the degrees have self study that I know of. Is this lodge in Texas?


You've been learning by self study?

I'm very curious what jurisdiction you're in, there are a number of things you mention that don't sound like anything I've seen here in Texas.


Premium Member
It all sounds quite unusual.
Ill ask again, "what is your grand lodge jurisdiction, and what is the name of your lodge?"
How and from whom did you learn the EA work?

we would like to help but there needs to be some clarification on your part.


Premium Member
He wished to keep the name of the lodge off the public forum. Suffice it to say it is indeed a regular PHA lodge in TX.

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Premium Member
Given that information then, aside from the bad practices mentioned, the issue of suspension...
Someone who is familiar w/ MWPHGLoTX constitution ought to chime in here, but a suspension requires a masonic offense or non-payment of dues or like, correct? Also he should have some recourse via his GL if such is the case?


Registered User
Jvarnell and Cog41, the Jurisdiction is in Texas, let's just say the Dallas area. I don't want to name the lodge in public. The lodge is PHA and regular. It is not my intention to sling mud. I simply want to know if I have recourse. I understand if you are unable to help with my general information.

I did not have any EA work. After becoming an EA I was given a pamphlet to study the EA lecture and the same for the FC lecture. NO ONE other than myself has mentored or aided me in my study to learn the lecture or anything else regarding masonry. I honestly have no idea what EA or FC work would be at this point. The extent of my study has been the pamphlets and what I have gleaned on the web.

It may be that the WM has complete authority and autonomy. If that's so, then I have no recourse. I do know that the circumstances are highly unusual from my study of masonry before I joined. My intention was to be raised and be a leader in the lodge for those who came next. That's won't happen now. Live and learn.


Premium Member
Don't fret too much. I feel as though this situation after being fully investigated, a correct route will open up and you will be able to continue your masonic journey in the correct manner.
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Premium Member
I will help you if I can I had a bumpy road thourgh the last leg of my jurney and know what its like. When you turned in your potistion do you know if they voted? and you actuly had the initattion?
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Registered User
JVarnell, As far as I know they just did whatever the WM told them. So I don't know if there was a vote or not.


Registered User
Gentlemen I appreciate the support. This is not what I had in mind when I decided to become a mason. Some had mentioned before about the offenses that one could be suspended for. Is this written down anywhere that I can research it?

One of the other FC's suspended, have today, attempted to call the WM, the SW and JW and not one of them have answered the phone. He has tried two different times. I asked in a reply to the email what the offense was, there has yet to be a response from any of the senior officers of the lodge.
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Premium Member
So no reason at all was given other than an email saying you were suspended, correct?
I'm not sure how proper it is to seek counsel from a neighboring lodge. Any input from others on this?


Premium Member
So no reason at all was given other than an email saying you were suspended, correct?
I'm not sure how proper it is to seek counsel from a neighboring lodge. Any input from others on this?

I think that by involving a lodge with the business of another would be a breach of proper Masonic protocol. Perhaps a call to the DDGM would prove beneficial.

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