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Funerals and Masonic Charges

Blake Bowden

While I won't go into specifics, we're currently facing this very issue. We have an elderly Brother who is in his dotage, but served our Lodge for 40+ years and during that time dedicated so much to the Craft. He is accused of making unfavorable comments to a Brother which I believe was caused by his age and medication. Masonic charges were filed against him with no Now the accused Brother is on his deathbed, literally. I've known this man almost all my life, and it sickens me that he has this hung over his head in his final days. Fortunately the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence/information/dates etc but from what I understand, there's a good chance the charges will be refiled. If the accused Brother passes while the charges are pending, theres a good chance that he will be unable to receive a Masonic Burial, much less join the family members already buried in our Masonic Cemetary. I know first hand these charges are bogus and the thought of this happening to a good Brother sickens me. I swear, if charges are filed and he is refused a Masonic burial, I'm done. I don't want to be part of a Brotherhood that allows people to do that to others.


Premium Member
Sounds like a long time feud. Personally, I think as JW Id find every possible reason to not accept the charges (spelling, dates formating, blah blah) and delay it as long as possible.. Ive seen paper in teh military get sent back and forth forever...


"Just in case"
Premium Member
go put on the funeral yourself, and the rest of them be damned if they don't want to show up.


Yep.. ! I would do the funeral.. ! what are they going to do.. ! this is just some personal battle between two brothers that the lodge doesn't need to be in the middle of.. ! throw out the charges.. ! go about your business.. !


Premium Member
If the facts are true, I believe this is an instance where Moral Law trumps anything written. We also have a duty to our Brother and for him not to receive Masonic Rights because of a frivolous charge is by far the worst penalty known in Masonry.

If I were you, I would let the Brother know that if he proceeds with the charges and they are found frivoulous again you would proceed to file charges against this man. And be on the phone with the Grand Secretary and Grand Master letting them know the circumstances and how a Brother may be denied a Masonic Funeral because of these false charges. If the charges are filed you yourself can file charges against the other brother IAW (in accordanace with) Art. 505 para. 2

2. Make false charges, or utter any word or statement,
either orally, in writing, or otherwise, or to commit any act
or engage in any activities or conduct calculated to bring
reproach upon this Grand Lodge or any of its officers,
institutions, agencies or subordinate Lodges or officers
thereof; or which is calculated to bring discredit or disgrace
on Masonry; or which is reasonably calculated to
reflect unfavorably on the good name of Masonry.

I would also stress he better have his paperwork together because if it cause the Brother to lose Masonic Rights I would make it my duty to see that this is enforced to the fullest. And I would not be satisfied until it he himself looses his rights as well.

It is one thing to bring up charges to stop someone into going into chairs or to just get a repremand but this is a charge that may potentially cause a Brother to loose his rights just by being filed. If that is not guilty until proven innocent I don't know what is. I am sure there are other articles this Brother that is threatening the charges is breaking and if he thinks about continuing with frivilous charges then he should be tried and made an example of. I bet if GL started going after the ones doing this a lot of the ticky tacky problems would come to an end.


Premium Member
We could always wish. You know the saying though, wish in one hand, ...:beer:

No, I don't think I am familiar with this saying, could you please finish it? :D: :wink:

Seriously I think it does take a time of patience to get the paperwork in order

Nate Riley

Premium Member
Let me get this straight, the offended brother is pressing charges because the older brother said something unfavorable to him?

I'm not nearly as sophistocated as some, so if that is true, I'd tell him to grow some male body parts and give the old man a break. If I went around taking action against everything someone said about or to me (whether its true or not), well, that would be a lot of time!

I can imagine what an old man could say that would push me that far.


Premium Member
go put on the funeral yourself, and the rest of them be damned if they don't want to show up.

Maybe its just me, wouldnt be the first time this week, but cherry picking which rules to follow and which to ignore doesnt sit right with me...


"Just in case"
Premium Member
if something doesn't feel right (in this case), i'm not gonna let bureaucracy get in my way.

i'm a cafeteria catholic, it kind of goes with who i am.


Premium Member
Premium Member
One of the Ladies at GLOT commented to me that she wished the Masons would grow up and learn how to play together. Do you think this is what she was talking about?

Blake Bowden

One of the Ladies at GLOT commented to me that she wished the Masons would grow up and learn how to play together. Do you think this is what she was talking about?

That's what my wife says. The Brother who was the center of this fiasco passed away 30 mins ago. We lost a good Mason today. :frown:

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Art. 509 states that the Brother is not entitled to a Masonic service yet Art. 360 gives the WM the option. Sounds like something that needs to be resolved @ Grand Lodge (no need to thank me, Bro. Blake! ;-)

If I were the WM in this instance, I'd go with Art. 360, have the service, & take my chances with the M:.W:. afterward.