Blake Bowden
While I won't go into specifics, we're currently facing this very issue. We have an elderly Brother who is in his dotage, but served our Lodge for 40+ years and during that time dedicated so much to the Craft. He is accused of making unfavorable comments to a Brother which I believe was caused by his age and medication. Masonic charges were filed against him with no Now the accused Brother is on his deathbed, literally. I've known this man almost all my life, and it sickens me that he has this hung over his head in his final days. Fortunately the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence/information/dates etc but from what I understand, there's a good chance the charges will be refiled. If the accused Brother passes while the charges are pending, theres a good chance that he will be unable to receive a Masonic Burial, much less join the family members already buried in our Masonic Cemetary. I know first hand these charges are bogus and the thought of this happening to a good Brother sickens me. I swear, if charges are filed and he is refused a Masonic burial, I'm done. I don't want to be part of a Brotherhood that allows people to do that to others.