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Greetings from Wisconsin Lodge 51 EA

Sidney Williams

Registered User
Hello brothers,

My name is Sidney. Two weeks ago this Tuesday i became an EA. The experience was so amazing and my brothers did a wonderful job making it so special. I was so moved by the moment that i am ready to complete my EA degree this Tuesday.

Greatest moments in my life.
1. Being born
2. The day I realized God was real.
3. The day I met my sons mother.
4. The birth of my son.
5. Walking into the Waverly Lodge #51.


Traveling Templar
Site Benefactor
Greetings and welcome aboard. I hope you continue to enjoy your journey in Freemasonry.


Premium Member
Welcome to the family once adopted brother.

Only 3 weeks to memorize your proficiency? Very cool. Don't rush yourself. Smell the roses.


Registered User
Regarding memorizing the proficiencies: work with a brother. If you're interested in being a line officer, you'll have some very long lectures to master. Work with a brother, get to know the cipher, and practice.