I think this might apply.
Art. 446. (476g). Certificate of Dismissal. A Lodge, by
unanimous favorable vote, taken at a stated meeting, either by
ballot or show of hands at the discretion of the Master presiding
may grant to one of its EA’s or FC’s, who has not been rejected by
ballot or protest after receiving the last degree, and against whom
no charges are pending, a Certificate of Dismissal recommending
him for advancement. The issue of said Certificate of Dismissal
shall be mandatory when E.A., F.C., or M.M. Degree work has not
been set by the Lodge within time set by Grand Lodge Law from
the time exclusive personal jurisdiction has been acquired by the
Lodge. Upon the granting of such certificate the Lodge thereby
loses personal jurisdiction over him and his name shall be dropped
from its rolls. He, thereupon, becomes an unaffiliated E.A. or F.C.
and further jurisdiction over him is territorial, and governed by
the provisions of Article 441.