I have recently joined the Epping Lodge, Sydney, Australia. I am very impressed with the decore. I have some friends, and I would like to know how much money I can generate from Freemasonry, so I can contribute more to charity and philanthropy?
Welcome to Freemasonry.
I am not sure the above is well worded Brother. It suggests you might be asking how much personal gain you can get from Freemasonry. However, I cannot believe that GLNSW&ACT would not have investigated your motives and can only hence guess you are asking, how much money to can raise for charity via Lodges.
That will vary, but I would say this. Freemasonry is not a service organisation, and it is not a charity. It is a Fraternity. Benevolence and Charity are highly valued within the organisation, but they are not the purpose of it. The purpose of it is improving your character and the social/community aspect of being in a group of like minded men promoting honour, virtue, integrity and good conduct, AND treating others well.
With that disclaimer, many lodges get involved in charitable activities and fundraising. Talk to your Brethren in your lodge and see what they do. They might do little, and if so, don't be shocked, read the above again... then ask about what other lodges are doing.. I am sure you will find one who is looking for help with fundraising and that group will often have a lot of experience and be able to tell you of their successes (and failures).
Right now with COVID-19, I doubt fundraising is a focus.