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Improve in Masonic Knowledge

Blake Bowden

Staff Member

By Dr. Bob Northcutt

One of the first lessons imparted to a Mason is that of learning and the value of education, especially Ma- sonic knowledge. While it appears as a small expectation and in the “leisure hours” of a Mason, improvement in knowledge, especially Masonic knowledge, is clearly a lifetime goal of a Freemason. Each degree and each step in a Mason’s journey toward improvement and happiness is couched in gaining more Light.

Unfortunately many Brothers do not continue to search, but rather stop their study when they complete their proficiency examinations. Admittedly they are an “Entered Apprentice”, a “Fellow Craft Mason, or a “Master Mason” in name, but without further study and “labor” , they have failed to grasp the depths of the obligations they have taken.

It is interesting that when approached by a non-Mason and asked “What is a Mason?” or “What do you do as a Mason?”, many a Brother cannot answer, or attempts to refer the questioner to another Brother. How is it that a “Master of the Craft” does not know enough to answer the most often asked questions?

Well, the answer lies within the nature of who we are and how seriously we assume responsibilities. As in several past education notes, obligations are not to be taken lightly, even when made verbally. One’s honor depended upon the value of one’s “word. The very nature of one’ s character hinged upon whether a man was a Man of his “word”, or not. The value of the secrets entrusted to a Brother rests within the heart of the indi- vidual and his conscience.

Each Brother should be diligent in his pursuit of Masonic Light and realize Masonic understanding ex- tends beyond the catechism and the Ritual work. To be knowledgeable a Brother must be willing to seek, read, discuss, and study the works of Masonry. Beyond its history and great practi- tioners, there are the many lessons to be learned and incorporated in one’ s life. Sources, such as the Grand Lodge Library and Museum, the Internet, nu- merous Masonic books and magazines, encyclopedias, and research groups are open and available to any Brother willing to seek more Light.

Developing a philosophy for life and a moral roadmap are critical steps to achieving happiness and being a Mason. Each of us is charged to be honorable, reverent of the Great Architect, acting upon the Square toward our neighbors, and circum- spect. To achieve these goals requires that we also increase in knowledge of the Craft and its mysteries. Considering each day as a step in our jour- ney through life, we also should take each day as an opportunity to add to our store of knowledge and Light, so that when we are asked about our Craft, we have answers, not excuses.
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