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Premium Member
Never really looked this deep into the site but wanted to speak on behalf of National Sojourners.

The Purposes of National Sojourners shall be to organize Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers of the uniformed services (past and present) of the United States, and Honorary Members, who are Master Masons, into Chapters, for the promotion of good fellowship among its members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity or affliction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims and activities in Masonry, for developing true Patriotism and Americanism throughout the Nation, for bringing together representatives of the uniformed forces of the United States (past and present) in a united effort to further the military need of National Defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever calculated to weaken the National Security.

What will you get from membership: A furthered sense of brother love and inclusion with brothers that share common membership in the armed forces.

We spend time making patriotic presentations to local schools and civic organizations. Sponsor essay contests around the themes of patriotism and national pride, and we sponsor youth leadership conferences around the nation.

We present awards to local senior and junior ROTC cadets and units in recognition of leadership abilities and achievement.

I have personally gained great friends and loved every minute at ROTC and JROTC units meeting and recognizing cadets.

I would encourage eligible brothers to look into a local chapters. The national website has links to local chapters.
Meetings are not tiled so spouses and friends are welcome to attend also.

Please feel free to contact me with questions.


Premium Member
Good timing on this thread, because I've recently been considering it. I obtained the rank of Master Sergeant (E-8) in the Army Reserves. My highest rank in the active Army was Sergeant E-5. I know the E-5 doesn't work, but does reserve rank? And what proof is needed? I never got a new DD214 when I left the reserves; the only one I have is the one from active duty. I can probably come up with some other paperwork from the reserves that show the Master Sergeant rank.


Premium Member
Brother Robbins,
Reserve rank does indeed count. There is no difference in the eyes of National Sojourners.
An ID card, or any document that shows that you achieved E-7 or higher would suffice.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.



Premium Member
I found my promotion orders from E-7 to E-8, so I have that going for me. Next I'll have to check out the local chapter.


Premium Member

Minnesota #25
(1st Mon)(Robert Morris Camp)
Sec: 1LT Donald A. Wurden (Carole)
623 Watersedge Terrace
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1931

Pres: MR. Kenneth P. Hill
10201 York Lane
Bloomington, MN 55431-3254


Premium Member
Thanks. After finances settle down from Christmas and renewing all my Masonic memberships, I'll check!


Premium Member
.... in a united effort to further the military need of National Defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever calculated to weaken the National Security

I know next to nothing about this group but i read the above quote and it sounds political... can anyone help me out and explain further ?

(Also congrats on promotion :) )


Premium Member
I know next to nothing about this group but i read the above quote and it sounds political... can anyone help me out and explain further ?

(Also congrats on promotion :) )
I see absolutely nothing political about the purpose statement, however I encourage you to look at the national website and explore it further. If it turns out something that you don't subscribe to them please do not seek membership. This Masonic organization has been active throughout the US and various overseas posts for years and have always upheld the principles of Freemasonry. The fact that we subscribe to a strong national defense doesn't make it political, it makes it patriotic.
Thank you for your valuable question.

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
I know next to nothing about this group but i read the above quote and it sounds political... can anyone help me out and explain further ?

(Also congrats on promotion :) )
Well, I don't disagree with you. However, this is not lodge. I am unaware of any prohibition on side orders engaging in such purposes.

There is a nationalistic bent in US Freemasonry. At one time, GL CA forbade members of the Communist Party. The AASR SJ has a committee specifically devoted to "Americanism." See e.g.,

Many GLs have the Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag in the opening of lodge.

I do note that at the close of lodge or at the festive board, it is common for UGLE lodges to sing God Save the Queen.


Premium Member
Thanks. Victorian Lodges (Australia) also sing God Save the Queen - as our head of state..

Thank you for your responses.


Premium Member
I went to a meeting for the National Sojourners in Alexandria, LA a couple of weeks ago. It was basically dinner and the meeting at the same time. It was a good group of guys and they do some good stuff around the state. I was probably the youngest guy by around 25-30 years and I'm 34! Lol! I enjoyed the fellowship there and will likely join the organization.


Registered User
Correct me if I am wrong but were we not subject to being judged fit to join the Masons when we petitioned the lodge? With that being said I feel that we were judged on a level and we are to be on the square. So how can the National Sojourners limit the membership to E-7 and above and be associated with Masons?
I understand that there are rules but it seems that if they were open to all ranks that would be more square in their dealings. I have served and will never see E-7 because of Medical Issues from my deployments, but because of the E-7 or above rule I can not join.
I know that there are other Brothers that served in the Military that might like to join but can not due to the fact that they maybe did one enlistment and got out, or they were medically retired, or they received wounds in combat that made them unfit before they attained the rank of E-7. Does that make them not worthy of being a National Sojourners? It should not.
So it is with a heavy heart that I will not promote the National Sojourners until they open their organization to lower enlisted Masons.


Site Benefactor
Correct me if I am wrong but were we not subject to being judged fit to join the Masons when we petitioned the lodge? With that being said I feel that we were judged on a level and we are to be on the square. So how can the National Sojourners limit the membership to E-7 and above and be associated with Masons?
I understand that there are rules but it seems that if they were open to all ranks that would be more square in their dealings. I have served and will never see E-7 because of Medical Issues from my deployments, but because of the E-7 or above rule I can not join.
I know that there are other Brothers that served in the Military that might like to join but can not due to the fact that they maybe did one enlistment and got out, or they were medically retired, or they received wounds in combat that made them unfit before they attained the rank of E-7. Does that make them not worthy of being a National Sojourners? It should not.
So it is with a heavy heart that I will not promote the National Sojourners until they open their organization to lower enlisted Masons.

Bro do you want us to open Blue Lodge to Women too? this isnt everybody gets a trophy. Im a SSG(E-6) when/if i make 7 will join this organization. Think about it man, are you an NCO? if not then this wont apply but as an NCO I dont want a bunch of PVTs sitting around me. This Organization is the same thing. most people who get out at e5 and below did so because they were disgruntled or got kicked out. by making it a group that is open to Senior enlisted and above only it makes sure that only people who are proud of their service and have experience are able to join. Honestly i think it should be E7-E9 and then 03-O10 only. LTs shouldnt be able to join for the same reason SGTs and SSGs cant.


Registered User
So are you saying that I am not proud of my service? I am very proud of my service. I am still an MP. I will get out as an E-6. I have ran the Admin, Supply, and Training for a Unit. I have the Purple Heart. Multiple Deployments and because I will not make E-7 I can not join? It goes against being on the level.


Registered User
I have better things to worry about than being able to join the National Sojourners. I was just asking. I feel that they go against what we are taught as Masons. We look to the heart of a man. Not what rank he is wearing.