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It's official

Bill Hosler

Registered User
I'm not new to the site but I thought this would be the place to post this:

It's finally official. Last night I voted in as a plural member of Lebanon lodge #837. I am officially a Texas Mason!:14:


Premium Member
So what's the difference between plural, dual and affiliate membership? All the time I've been a mason I never asked and have stayed at the same lodge.


Premium Member
So what's the difference between plural, dual and affiliate membership? All the time I've been a mason I never asked and have stayed at the same lodge.
dual by definition (not masonic definition) is 2. Dual wielding pistols, axes, etc ...

Plural by definition is multiple...More than 1.

Some jurisdictions may only allow 1 lodge at a time.

Some might only allow two. The term "should" be dual but I bet there are GL's that use plural here.

Some allow as many as your bank account can handle. These are plural memberships.

Again, I am surmising from the common definitions of the words. I would check with the way your state uses them and how they define them masonically.


Premium Member
So what's the difference between plural, dual and affiliate membership? All the time I've been a mason I never asked and have stayed at the same lodge.

The exact definitions may vary jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Dual - Member of lodges in more than one jurisdiction. I'm California and Illinois, will petition in Texas in about a month

Multiple - Member of more than one lodges in the same jurisdiction. In Illinois my lodges are Barrington 522 and Lombard 1098.

Affiliate - The process of joining a lodge that is not your mother lodge. Could be dual or multiple. Could include a demit from your previous lodge and thus a transfer.

Affiliate membership - At least one jurisdiction I know of comes from a tradition of only allowing a Mason to be a member of one lodge but they want to welcome Masons who don't want to demit from their mother lodge so they have "affiliate membership" that has some limitations. It's almost but not all of the way to dual or multiple membership. The brothers at my nearest MWPHAGLofTX suggested I become an affiliate member but the recognition agreement offered by California does not allow me to affiliate.

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Some GLs allow you to only be a member of one lodge, some allow you to affiliate to other lodges within that GL. Some (and I believe Texas just opened this up) allow you to affiliate with a lodge in another GL.
I'm a New Mexico Freemason who is waiting on a vote from the UGLE to affiliate with one of their lodges, and as I'm living in California now, may well join a lodge here, too. (Hear my wallet scream...)

Congrats, Brother Bill, on making it official.

Bill Hosler

Registered User
Some GLs allow you to only be a member of one lodge, some allow you to affiliate to other lodges within that GL. Some (and I believe Texas just opened this up) allow you to affiliate with a lodge in another GL.
I'm a New Mexico Freemason who is waiting on a vote from the UGLE to affiliate with one of their lodges, and as I'm living in California now, may well join a lodge here, too. (Hear my wallet scream...)

Congrats, Brother Bill, on making it official.

When I was in England I had thought about affiliating with a lodge there. I wish I would have but I was a fairly new Mason at the time and had already joined too many things by that time lol.

Freemason Connect HD

Michael Hatley

Premium Member
You know that means that if you use Tennessee rubs or BBQ sauces you now get a rash dontcha? And cooking with some gawdawful wood like hickory or pine or whatever it is those yankees or quasi yankees use?

Boils, Brother. Boils.

It is either mesquite or nothing!! :30:

So hows that Internet lodge work? You are a member of the UGLE then? What happens if after you join, you demit from GLoTX? Still a UGLE member?

Not that I would ever do such a thing, but just curious.