Registered User
I like my lodge. I'm sitting in the South this year. I've lost interest though. I'll likely stick it out the remainder of the year but I have no desire to sit in the West and eventually the East. Maybe due to work, other things I have going on. Or the lack luster monotony of the same o same o. I've been excited about Masonry before. Then lost the excitement. Gained it back, and lost it again. Hell, maybe it's not the lodge but just something with me. That's likely the case. I feel terrible about feeling this way. I know I'm not supposed to. I know I'm supposed to be all gung ho and such. I'm just not there anymore. Maybe it'll change again. Maybe I just need to go watch National Treasurer again.
Anyway, I'm just venting. Not expecting any 'great wisdom' or anything from anyone. Just typing how I feel into this box and pressing 'Create Thread'.