Has anyone ever had to relieve an officer that has been delinquent of their duties? Per the following article.
Art. 271 (Cont)
And any Secretary or Treasurer may be removed
from the office for the unexpired term or any part thereof, or his
office may be declared vacated for the unexpired term or any part
thereof, by the Master of the Lodge with the consent of the Grand
Master, whenever such Secretary or Treasurer removes from the
jurisdiction of his Lodge or on account of illness, disability, or through
gross neglect or malfeasance in office, is unable or fails to properly
perform the duties of his office.
There is more to this article but just wanted to ask about this one.
If so how was this handled? How would you handle it and expect it to be handled?
Art. 271 (Cont)
And any Secretary or Treasurer may be removed
from the office for the unexpired term or any part thereof, or his
office may be declared vacated for the unexpired term or any part
thereof, by the Master of the Lodge with the consent of the Grand
Master, whenever such Secretary or Treasurer removes from the
jurisdiction of his Lodge or on account of illness, disability, or through
gross neglect or malfeasance in office, is unable or fails to properly
perform the duties of his office.
There is more to this article but just wanted to ask about this one.
If so how was this handled? How would you handle it and expect it to be handled?