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Prayers for a Brother

David Duke

Premium Member
Brothers please keep in your prayers a very close and dear friend of mine, Brother Bobby Hitt PM. He will be going in tomorrow for a triple heart bypass at the VA in Houston. He has other blockages in his groin and legs but they need to correct the issues in his heart first.

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David Duke

Premium Member
I apologize for not posting an update sooner to be honest it slipped my mind!

Brother Hitt is doing remarkably well, they put in 2 stints but due to extreme calcification could not do the third bypass. He sat up for 5-6 hours the day after surgery and has since been taking short walks. If all keeps going well he may be able to go home tomorrow (Saturday).

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes while I care deeply for all my brothers, Bobby has a special place in my heart.

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Thomas Stright

Premium Member
Brothers, Bobby continues to improve daily, although extremely sore which is to be expected he is getting up and about. It was initially thought that he may be able to come home this weekend the doctors want to wait a few more days so that he can be closely monitored to prevent pneumonia and since he has had it several times throughout his life he is susceptible.

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