Brother Bill, Do you know the rules on the Raffles?
Here's a summary from Ch. 2002 of the Texas Occupations Code:
2 raffles per calendar year- may NOT overlap
All proceeds from ticket sales MUST go to charity
No paid (TV, radio, newspaper) advertising
No statewide raffles or offers to sell tickets to a statewide raffle
Those organizing or conducting raffles or selling or offering tickets to raffles CANNOT be compensated for such work
Only members of the organization conducting a raffle can sell tickets for it
Each raffle ticket must contain the following information:
Name of the organization conducting the raffle & its address or the address
of a named officer; the ticket price; and a general description of each prize
having a value of more than $10.00
NO monetary prizes, prizes worth more than $50,000.00, or lottery tickets
The conducting organization must either have possession of the prize(s) or post a bond with the county clerk of the county in which the raffle is being held.
Hope this helps.