You refer to ones on Youtube.
It is difficult to say if they are masons. The ritual is full of strange stuff, but that could be the compromize between the lodge and the TV guys. At least I hope you don't wear glittering paper crowns in your ritual

But to be true, I saw too many brothers, who got caught in the ego-trap after been asked by a TV channel or magazine and they start to be very open .... at least a bit more open than the last brother, because that will get you into the feature.
What is once out, you can never get it in again. What we give away will never be discrete again. We reduce ourselves to a bunch of guys with funny traditions. "nothing more than false beards and amateur acting" is it said in the documentary above. That does not help us in getting seriously interested men into the craft. No matter if the rest of the docu is positive or not.
No murderous rumor, no conspiracy story has ever shunned good men from entering us. The news that we are just silly amateur actors and nothing more may do.
Although, here in Germany, we are much more restrictive, our brothers usually try to convince the public, that we have nothing secret, nothing mysterious, nothing out of the ordinary at all. And then they wonder, why nobody is interested in joining.