I think you have misunderstood my post.
What I said was that after their decision to NOT join the GGC, the Star was inverted for that purpose of disctinguishing themselves from other OES jurisdictions who were a part of the GGC, hence why NY is the ONLY OES Jurisdiction that is not under the GGC and the ONLY one that has the Star inverted.
So, I know that the star wasn't always inverted and I have GGC proceedings that has NY in them, but they finally decided not to take part.
There was an attempt to bring NY OES into the fold that failed around 1898. This would have been when they still had the point down. Some of the questions brought up were:
1. The purchase of the copyright for the Macoy ritual and the costs to print it. If NY was to join GGC, the change in ritual would have been costly. (GGC countered they would throw money towards the printing/distribution of rituals to NY chapters).
2. NY OES admitted Master Masons to meetings, obligated them, and allowed them to witness the work. They did not need to be members of the order like GGC.
3. Floral Ceremony was considered part of the regular work of NY OES.
4. Some NY OES Chapters worked from German rituals.
Also, NY was not the only jurisdiction to ever debate having 1 point up. It looks like a few did in the early 1900s and even General Grand debated that.
It's mentioned in Engle's tome, "Adoptive Rite was the first to delineate the star with two points toward the east. In that and Macoy's Ritual the candidate, after entrance, was stationed in the west, facing east..." (136)
Perhaps it was to distinguish itself, but that didn't seem to be much of a problem even after the attempt in 1898 to reconcile. I would think officially changing it might have more to do with copyrights, trademarking or incorporation.