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The jewel of an immediate past master


Registered User
By: W. Bro. D. B. Wallace;
Presented 12 April 1912; UNITED MASTERS LODGE, No. 167; Auckland, New Zealand.

In my former paper on the use of the word "Eureka" in the ceremony of investing the Immediate Past Master, I proved to my own satisfaction, at least, that we Freemasons had no authority for using that word, and I have heard no dissentient voice either in our Lodge or outside its walls I think I may safely infer that the Wor. Brethren generally agree with my views.

Moreover, Wor. Master, it has always been to me a matter for wonder why the forty-seventh problem of the first Book of Euclid should have been chosen as the jewel of an I.P.M., as in the investiture no Masonic reason is given for so doing. The present investiture has ever been to me meaningless, uninstructive, and unmasonic, and I have frequently wondered why our intelligent brethren have continued its use and have not propounded one more in consonance with, our Masonic teachings. As no brother has yet, as far as I am aware done so, I have propounded one which I hope will commend itself to the Worshipful Brethren. A number of Past Masters to whom I have shown it have given it their unqualified approval. Seeing that this installation ceremony is of quite modern date, the change proposed cannot in any sense be regarded as an innovation or a breach of our antient usages and customs, and if a a change is advisable then it is effected the better before long use makes it become to the minds of our younger brethren one of our antient usages and customs. In the Investiture which I now propose I have given Masonic reasons for the adoption of this problem as the jewel of the I.P.M., which I hope the brethren will not consider far fetched, for they do not
appear to me as much so as some other of our Masonic explanations.

In deference to those who may still associate his name with the jewel, I have retained an allusion to Pythagoras, but personally I would prefer this paragraph eliminated as quite unnecessary either to the meaning or to the effect of the ceremony.


Your Jewel, you will observe, consists of three squares formed upon the sides of it right-angled triangle, which have reference to the two Wardens and the Worshipful Master of the Lodge.

As you are aware, the Jewel of the J. W. is the plumb rule, and is here represented by the perpendicular side of the triangle, and the square formed thereon is the emblem of beauty, as part of his to beautify adorn the work of the W.M.

The jewel of the S.W. is the Level, and is here represented by the base of the triangle, and the square formed thereon is accounted the emblem of strength, as his duty is to assist the W. M. with his strength of mind in the ruling and governing of his Lodge.

The union of these two Jewels forms the Square, the Jewel of the W. M. A line joining the points of the Square forms the third side of the triangle - the hypotenuse. The Square formed upon the hypotenuse equals in area the squares formed upon the base and the perpendicular, and is accounted the emblem of wisdom, as in the W. M. are combined the beauty of the J. W. and the strength of the S. W.

The whole forms the 47th Problem of the first Book of Euclid, and is said to have been first demonstrated by the ancient philosopher Pythagoras. As the perpendicular represents the J. W., the base S. W., and the hypotenuse the W.M., so the complete triangle combining these three sides represents the I.P.M. Thus, your Jewel combining the triangle with the several squares formed thereon is peculiarly appropriate as the Jewel of the I.P.M.

Having yourself occupied these several offices with distinction, in you should now be combined the beauty of the J. W., the strength of the S. W., and the wisdom of the W. M., thus eminently qualifying you to help the W. M. with your advice and active assistance in the government of his lodge.

I now place you in the your chair, that immediately on my left. It will be your duty, as I feel assured it will be in accordance with your own inclination, as far as possible during the ensuing year, to attend every meeting of the Lodge in order that you may be ready to assist me with that counsel and advice in maintaining the dignity and authority of my position, and the peace and harmony of the Lodge which your own experience in the chair enables you to afford.