Nate Riley
Premium Member
Is there a specified period of time (by the law) that a petitioner/candidate for initiation should be called after the vote (election to receive the degrees)?
The reason I asked and maybe this answers some questions or starts more dialogue. We have a couple of guys (that I know personally) who were elected and are ready and excited to be initiated. Then tonight we decided in a conversation (that had a lot of input from some brothers who I often question why that say and do certain things) that we would schedule their degrees for the end of this month, about a month from when they were voted on and two months from when they petitioned. By the way our WM is on vacation and was not part of this conversation.
I'm not saying we should rush things, but these guys are excited as I was and are ready to do it. They voted on me on a Thurs., called me on Friday and I was initiated on Monday.
Could be that the degree team needs time to get together & practice. If so, mebbe they need to get their act together a little better so as to not make a candidate wait so long.
Does anyone make the candidates come up to the Lodge several times to get to know the Brethten before signing his petition. The reason I ask is that I have had several petitions where we have the same people signing the petitions. ...
If candidates are willing to come to the Lodge before they are voted on, then what make people think they will remain active after the vote occurs?
The night I found out I was being voted in, I waited outside the lodge room to hear back from someone with an answer. Everyone came out and shook my hand to congratulate me for being found worthy of receiving the degrees in Masonry!
The brother that was doing the complaining about us putting on degrees so quickly was speaking for a certain group that the phone committee needs to call so that they will know what is going on. And apparently our phone committee needs plenty of time to get this done. I like him a lot, but he is one of the old school guys.
The reason I ask is that I have had several petitions where we have the same people signing the petitions. It is like they have never seen a petition they don't like.
It used to be, especially in small towns, that we knew the men who were petitioning. Nowadays it's not the same. We get prospects, whether through the Internet or wherever, whom we don't know. We try to get them to come have supper with us before Lodge so that we can get to know something about them, but it's not always possible.
Many times, Brethren will sign petitions simply to get them before an investigating committee. It thus becomes critical that the committee does their job thoroughly and properly.