Does anyone have an spreadsheet that has how one should on certain topics? I have seen an OLD copy on some Secretaries desks but I would like to have/make a digital updated copy with article references that one could keep with them to end any confusion.
If you are not sure what I am talking about, there is a chart that says a hand vote be taken for this matter while a ballot me taken for this matter. You could easily transfer that to a spreadsheet and reference that article and pehaps have it linked. Basically if a Secretary has a Laptop with them and a question arose about a balloting method a click of a button would directly send you to the PDF copy where the article is in the law book. It would be nice to have.
If you are not sure what I am talking about, there is a chart that says a hand vote be taken for this matter while a ballot me taken for this matter. You could easily transfer that to a spreadsheet and reference that article and pehaps have it linked. Basically if a Secretary has a Laptop with them and a question arose about a balloting method a click of a button would directly send you to the PDF copy where the article is in the law book. It would be nice to have.