Yes, as far as I know the biggest recent scandal of the P2 (Propaganda Duo) lodge in Italy did little to endear the Italian Government and its people to the Craft. But at the time of the Scandal the P2 lodge had already been austricised from Main Stream Freemasonry, and were operating alone. The Scandal was due to a high ranking official of the Vatican bank nicknamed God's Banker leaving Italy on the run after being embroiled in an embezzlement scandal for using the Vatican bank to launder money for the Mafia. And hiding tax accounts from the Italian Government. The P2 lodge also had funds tied up in this, and some of its members were politically active and involved with God's Banker. Later he was Found hanging from London Bridge (not Tower Bridge as some people think) in the City of London on the Themes. His Hanged Body was found to be weighted down with bricks, in a manner the Press claimed was Masonic in nature, but any direct evidence of their involvement was never found, but it turned not only Italian, but also international politics, and public opinion against P2, and Freemasonry in general, especially in Italy. But where the Italian Freemasonry V's the Vatican in Italy is Concerned, yes for Many years the Vatican was against Freemasonry, and other secret groups such as the Templars in General. And in the link that has always existed between the two, when there was a papal bull in existence against the Templars, that was always extended to Freemasonry as well, although Freemasonry was never officially mentioned in the papal bull. But during the reign of Pope John Paul the 1st this papal bull was receded, and the Templars, and by extension Freemasonry, were exonerated and pardoned for their crimes. Officially ending the long war between the Vatican and Freemasonry (Officially at least). But there was still a lingering resentment against Freemasonry in Italy, that did not come from the Vatican, but more from the Fact that during the second world war, Italy as a fascist state, and one of the Axis powers alongside their allies, Nazi Germany, were Socially against all organisations like Freemasonry, who suffered greatly in Nazi Germany at the time being rounded up along side other groups like the Jewish people. And because of this Freemasonry has never really recovered in Italy. There are a few lodges, and even as some legends go a lodge inside the Vatican itself somewhere. But Freemasonry is still socially seen in a bad light publically in Italy, and although Freemasonry is once again on the Rise in Germany, my experience in Italy has taught me that Freemasonry is still viewed as an agency for mistrust and evil by the Italian people. I am pretty sure Italian Freemasonry as it exists today, falls under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient, but you would have to clarify that one. But be careful in your research, as with the P2 lodge and others, there are more than a few unconstitutional lodges in Italy. Good luck with you research brother.
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