Who has more pull at Grand Lodge?
Content removed. Ban Hammer dusted off. - blake
it wasn't that interesting, if you'd like to know, pm me and I'll show you. You'll be massively disappointed thoughContent removed. Ban Hammer dusted off. - blake
Nice. Too bad I didn't get to read the actual post though. I don't know what I missed over the last 24 hours but that ban hammer seems to have gotten quite the workout.
it wasn't that interesting, if you'd like to know, pm me and I'll show you. You'll be massively disappointed though
Who has more pull at Grand Lodge?
Who has more pull at Grand Lodge?
That depends on if folks get pissed off. If enough brothers get pissed off Grand Lodge is ultimately the vote of the members and the members are the wardens, masters and past masters of the jurisdiction. Contested elections for grand offices do happen on occasion. I've seen it happen once. Even though the brother selected by the grand line was elected it was very clear he started his office without a mandate. The wake up call seems to have worked because he's now doing a very good job as he moves up the grand line.
Most of the time it is a balance among the GM, GSec, PGMs with a fair amount of feedback from the lodges. The Grand Secretary is there at the office all of the time and that equals influence. The GM travels the state going everywhere and that also equals influence. In Texas do the PGMs select who enters the grand line? It's a common method.
In Texas do the PGMs select who enters the grand line?
No. Any Past Master can make himself "available" for the office of Grand Junior Warden. There are generally 2 or 3 candidates, occasionally more, and the members & representatives vote for whom they prefer. We continue to ballot until one candidate receives a majority of the votes.
Whomever answers the phone