Good or bad?
So where do you draw the line, National Security? How much is too much & who should be responsible for the information published? In order to protect NS, that means that the government has to govern the information. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?
The government can't rule the media, it is unconstitutional under freedom of speech.
Good. Sometimes government needs it dirty laundry to be aired, just like any other institution. No, there is nothing inherently wrong with secrecy, but secrecy can often hide corruption and lack of moral judgment, as I think has so clearly happened in our society at large.
Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
In this day and time of cutthroat media, I have to say it's bad. Think about the whole Clinton Sex Scandal. It was a media blitz that garnered more attention then the conflict in Bosina. Now think back 30 years before that. Kennedy had so many mistresses, one would need a program to tell who was who, but there was very little ever published about them until after his death.
So leaks can be a good thing, but when news media is irresponsable with that information, it puts the nation at risk. Another example straight out of my area. I'm sure most have heard of the Branch Davidians and the botched ATF Raid. The ATF kept the raid so secret, not even the local authorities who are supposed to be notified knew about it. Who did know about was a local news station. In their zeal to get the story, they showed up before the raid to set up to film. They filmed the whole raid. The ATF, had no idea that their news camera set to film their raid, which was their way of showing the Clinton Administration that was about to slash their budget that there was still a big need for them, had tipped off the Branch Davidians who were already on the phone to 911 when the raid took place. So their raid was botched because of a leak and irresponsible media.
So media has to be responsible with what they report. There are things the government needs to keep secret for our own safety.
Both; From Benjamin Franklin...
This being said after these three wisemen opened mail for intel purposes during the American Revolution...
I guess in a way MoTx could be the Wikileaks of Masonry.
"Unlike leaks in the past, like the Pentagon Papers, for example, to uncover governmental wrongdoing," Crocker said, "this is leaking for the sake of leaking. There are no smoking guns, and it makes me think of WikiLeaks as an anarchist organization."