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Flags in the lodge room.

Kenneth Lottman

Registered User
I was visiting a lodge tonight and along with the U.S. and Texas flag they had the christian flag as well.
Here is my question... Is there a law in GL law book that says if that can be there or not? (not that I have a problem with it)


Johnny Joe Combs
Premium Member
Does the York Rite and/or Eastern Star meet at the lodge you visited? I know this doesn't answer your question, but it may explain why the Christian flag was present.

Kenneth Lottman

Registered User
Here you go!


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Kenneth Lottman

Registered User
RedTemplar said:
Does the York Rite and/or Eastern Star meet at the lodge you visited? I know this doesn't answer your question, but it may explain why the Christian flag was present.

That's a good question.... I don't think so it was a very rural lodge. They didn't have any eastern star regalia there!


Registered User
Learn something new every day. Not only have I never seen that flag I didn't know there was a "Christian Flag". I'm an Episcopalian and while we have a a flag I didn't realize there was one representative of all denominations.


Premium Member
There is no such thing as "the Christian flag". Perhaps there is something used by some of the Protestants, but that doesn't make it "the Christian flag". The flag in question certainly isn't used by my Church in any capacity.

Kenneth Lottman

Registered User
BryanMaloney said:
There is no such thing as "the Christian flag". Perhaps there is something used by some of the Protestants, but that doesn't make it "the Christian flag". The flag in question certainly isn't used by my Church in any capacity.

Google Christian flag you will find a thousand references!
I was raised Lutheran and now Baptist and have always had them in the churches that I have been in!


Premium Member
I see. Only Lutherans and Baptists qualify as Christian, then? I can Google up all kinds of nonsense about Freemasons, too. I was raised Roman Catholic and am now Orthodox Christian, and this flag is not present therein in any of those parishes I've been in.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I find nothing in the Grand Lodge Law which prohibits its presence except for Form 75, which does not make any provision in Lodgerooms for flags other than the U.S. & Texas ones. I would bet that, if the Grand Master were asked if it would be permissible, he would disallow it based on Article I of the Charges of a Freemason.

Kenneth Lottman

Registered User
That's fine you may not have this flag but this post has nothing to do with what alot of people know as "the Christian Flag" its about is it appropriate in the lodge room or not!

And NO I wasn't implying in anyway shape or form that only Lutherans and Baptists are Christians!
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Registered User
While the flag may or may not be represented in your Church (it certainly isn't in mine), there is clear evidence that it is indeed named "The Christian Flag".


Premium Member
To get myself back on topic, how well would it go over to have a banner stating "لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله" (There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His messenger.) in a Lodge?


Premium Member
To get myself back on topic, how well would it go over to have a banner stating "لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله" (There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His messenger.) in a Lodge?

Depends on the faith that dominates the lodge and where at in the world the lodge is.


Premium Member
We have one in our church (Baptist), but I would have an issue with one being present in a Masonic Lodge.

I too, have had that flag in past churches that I attended. I really hope that this next part doesn't offend anyone, though. Make no mistake, I am a Christian, however, I think that I also would have an issue with the Christian flag present in the lodgeroom (except for Commandery or other organizations of course; I'm only referring to blue lodge right now). At the same time, I would also have an issue with whatever "banner" Maloney is using as an example in the lodge for the same reasons. Other than the book on the alter (whatever faith is being represented), I don't really think that those things have a place in there for obvious reasons.

If I am wrong in my thinking about how we as Masons view religion (or supposed to) and how faith is represented in the yes of Freemasonry, let me
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Registered User
Brings to mind that a long long time ago I was told that the Christian Flag is the only flag the the American flags "dips" it's colors to. As we all know... the American flag never dips it's colors to any other nations flag............. unless this president has changed that. :cool:

Nate Riley

Premium Member
Brings to mind that a long long time ago I was told that the Christian Flag is the only flag the the American flags "dips" it's colors to. As we all know... the American flag never dips it's colors to any other nations flag............. unless this president has changed that. :cool:

There's a cool story related to that ideology, you post reminded me of it:

".....many Irish athletes had withdrawn when learning they would be required to march behind the Union Jack. The protocol for the open ceremony established by the UK organizers had each team parade before King Edward VII, where they were to dip their national flag in salute. When the US team marched in front of the English King, the standard bearer Ralph Rose did not dip the flag. Legend has it that fellow Irish American Policeman and hammer thrower Mathew McGrath had told Rose along the parade route “Dip that flag and you will be in a hospital tonightâ€. When American team captain Martin Sheridan was questioned on the incident he famously replied while pointing to the American flag “That flag dips before no earthly kingâ€."

Pardon the interruption, carry on!


Registered User
“That flag dips before no earthly king”."

Hence... it does dip for the Christian Flag?..... certainly not an earthly king.