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Blue Lodge Raffle


Floresville #515
Premium Member
I have looked in the Texas Grand Lodge Law book but cant find anything related to raffles put on by a local lodge. We are getting ready to have a Raffle and one of the items is going to be a Rifle by Savage in the caliber the winner chooses. The easiest way to do this is give them a certificate and let them go pick it up. The dealer we are using is good with this but our WM seems to recall that we must have the prize actually in hand before selling any tickets. Does anyone know were in the law book it mentions this so we can get on with the raffle as soon as possible. I told him the certificate should be suitable for representation of the prize since we would have already taken care of all moneys and all they would have to do is decide the caliber and go pick it up. Thank You in advance Brothers.


Premium Member
If the prize in hand is the certificate and you word it as such you should be OK.

Remember, gaming concerns local and state government bodies as well which is where this hang up might be coming from so check those and run it up through your secretary to your Grand Secretary if you want to cover all your bases.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I have looked in the Texas Grand Lodge Law book but cant find anything related to raffles put on by a local lodge. We are getting ready to have a Raffle and one of the items is going to be a Rifle by Savage in the caliber the winner chooses. The easiest way to do this is give them a certificate and let them go pick it up. The dealer we are using is good with this but our WM seems to recall that we must have the prize actually in hand before selling any tickets. Does anyone know were in the law book it mentions this so we can get on with the raffle as soon as possible. I told him the certificate should be suitable for representation of the prize since we would have already taken care of all moneys and all they would have to do is decide the caliber and go pick it up. Thank You in advance Brothers.

As posted earlier, it is Texas law that regulates raffles, not GL law. The actual wording of the state law is found here:

Attached please find the summary of state law as distributed by the Grand Secretary- your Lodge Secretary should have this in his Handbook for Secretaries.

To answer your specific question, all prizes must be paid for before the raffle prizes are awarded. Your Lodge does NOT want to (especially since y'all are giving a choice of caliber), nor are you required to actually take possession of the rifle- it can only be transferred to the winner by a FFL holder.


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